Three Days of Darkness

Rise Up! ^ And the Unbelieving Believer – Jesus LoverOfMySoul 

Jesus LoverOfMySoul
Apr 8, 2019

This word was received by my mother on April 6, 2019.

This is the day that the Lord has made. Come sit with Me for My eyes are upon My children. It is very clear who wants to be with Me. All those who will choose Me have done so. The days that are approaching will be the final test to see who will succumb to Me. There will not be another chance. I will wipe the filth off this land. My children choose to go against Me and now they will suffer. I mean suffer! I do not like what I have to do but I will honor My Father with His wishes. I would be no better than the filth on the earth if I did not obey My father. Just like the ones on the earth who have disobeyed Me. Come forward My true children and fight for your rights. Rise up and draw your swords as the battle is about to begin. Press into me and I will protect My chosen ones. I will never leave My faithful children. Time is down to days now. Decisions have to be made. Keep your eyes on the sky, look for big changes in the sky. I have told My children I will give them notice before the darkness and it’s about to be given. Rise up daughter as your new life is about to begin Rise up! Rise up! Rise up! Pray for all to come to Me. I am a jealous God. I will not wait any longer.

My word given 4/7/2019 Re 3DOD

Many think it’s a joke Susan. Even My own children do not believe My words. Some of My children fail to search the Scriptures for the answers. Many more wait for others to tell them what I am saying. This is all dangerous for neither is the correct path to be on. My judgments are coming. My children will soon sit in darkness with no preparations because they refuse to let go of their pride. I will teach them pride is not of Me. It is of the devil. My children will not hold onto pride and rule in My kingdom. Pride is of the devil. Unless they repent they will face My wrath with the unbelievers. Without faith it is impossible to please me. Remember children that you must walk in faith. Anything less is sin. My judgments are coming. Regardless of what the naysayers say My judgments are in the land. I will pronounce them soon


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