Harvest, Prophecy

Revival: Vessels Abounding With Light – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Revival: Vessels Abounding With Light

1/29/25 9:52 PM


You are my vessels abounding with light; ready to emanate for all to see.  You are that beacon on a hill which nothing can cover or obscure.

You radiate goodness, love, hope, and my essence in all you do.  For our essence will move upon the Earth.  Be with me as we find the lost, hurt, emotionally damaged, lame, battle worn and those who need my light.

There will be a calm with all those that are touched.  A knowing that will supersede old beliefs.  We move in one consciousness and purpose healing those along the way.

Revival, revival, revival permeates the lands.  Power in my name.  We move into new vistas, a new era.  Change is upon us.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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