Revelation Epistle 5: The Great Shaking
1/29/25 9:15 PM
Prodigal Nobody
Date Received: In small pieces from 2019-2025
God will shake everything that can be shaken, and this shaking will wake up many of the people who have been chosen or called, but they have fallen asleep.
Haggai 2:6 “This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord Almighty.
Isaiah 2:19 People will flee to caves in the rocks and to holes in the ground from the fearful presence of the Lord and the splendor of his majesty, when he rises to shake the earth.
Job 9:6 He shakes the earth from its place and makes its pillars tremble.
Word received from the Lord:
It will be turbulent times (that are coming). It will be times of no peace, it will be times of thunder, it will be times of the wind blowing and the fire moving. There will be things that are shaking, earthquakes, rocks coming out of heaven. It will be a time of visitation. It will be a time when supernatural events will happen, and the world will say “What is this that happened”. They will look at heaven and they will try to figure out where is this coming from, where is this happening from, what is this. They will find an explanation that has nothing to do with the reality of things, because they have denied the existence of their own God that created them, that created the heavens and the earth, that created the eruptions, the volcanic eruptions that they will see. They will say this volcano has never erupted, and they will be erupting in many places that they have never seen them erupt. Places where they never see earthquakes, places where they never see tornadoes. They will come because this is the time. They will see one event after other events, and there will be subsequent events. It will be so much shaking, so much fear in the people, because they will see that the God that they thought was not existent, but I AM Jehovah, I AM the Lord God of Israel, I AM the Lord God Almighty of His people.
Revelation Epistle 5 – The Great Shaking (Judgments)
A call for His people to walk in great faith and endurance during this season.
All glory to our Father in heaven, Yahweh, and to our Lord and Savior, Yeshua Hamashiach, and the wonderful and all-powerful Holy Spirit.
The Lord shared that in the season that we enter everything will be unleashed and we will see a “shaking”, and we are going to see as the seals are broken. What we are seeing right now is nothing (current judgments in different parts of the world) to the things that are coming.
Prepare, everyone on the earth! Prepare!
God will shake the earth.
The seas and the mountains will be shaken.
The things they believed were permanent, and firm and unmovable, they will be shaking.
God is patient, and long suffering. He has given so many warnings. He has given so many Words of warning to His prophets, to His children, to His ministries, but they don’t listen to His warnings.
There will be a shaking as they have never seen before.
It will be known that God is the God of the universe.
Prepare, all churches! Prepare!
In His Mercy God will shake many of the churches.
The churches that have been dead, and they are sleeping, they are following a routine, and they think it is not going to come. But God has warned it is coming really soon, and it is going to be shaking many, many of the churches.
Ministries that have taken a great place of authority will also be shaken, because in many cases their position and influence is not from Yahweh, it is not a heavenly revelation influence.
Many of the Christians will be shaken. Lukewarm Christians will be shaken.
In His love, God will use this shaking to awake many people that have been sleeping for a long time.
God will remove those churches that were not using the purpose that God has established them, and some of them will be coming back with a new vision, and a new direction, to follow the Lord.
Prepare all Chosen ones, the Elect, who have walked away from the Lord. Prepare!
The Lord loves you, all of you prodigal sons and daughters. He has not given up on you, and He will use these shakings to wake some of you up.
Yes, God has a chosen people that are still sleeping, that have not woken up, but very soon they will see the things that happen, they will see the movement, the shaking of the earth, the shaking of the heavens releasing fire over the earth.
The Lord will open their ears so they can hear His voice, so they can hear and have the sensitivity of the things of the Spirit, and what is coming from the Spirit.
Those who heed His call, they will start rejecting the things of the flesh, because their ears will be open to hear from the spiritual realm, and to walk in the spirit.
Don’t be fearful when your loved ones, that you have been praying for, when they are being shaken, because the shaking will take out everything that is not from the Lord.
Prepare all Chosen ones, the Elect, and that are in right standing with Him, Prepare!
These vessels walk in these shakings without being moved, because they walk not like a natural person walks.
There will be things that will shake the earth and the nations, but they will stand on firm ground.
They will see things happen (shacking) but they will also see that the Lord Almighty is the God that protects them. In the middle of the storm, in the middle of the situation. He protects them.
They will see a great move of His Spirit. His Glory, and His Anointing will be seen on them.
The Lord will lead the way, He speaks to them, He shows the way. When the Lord says “stay” they will stay, and when the Lord say “go” they will go because they know His Voice.
They will walk with the confidence that they are His people, because they are in His Hand.
The time is short. Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send more laborers into the harvest, because the time is close. There will be a great harvest, but there will also be great movement and shaking on the earth.
Praise the Lord.
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