Warning, America, Judgment, Prophecy, REPENT

Return To Me, My People – Eli Z

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Return To Me, My People

November 2, 2022 1:09 PM
Eli Z

My daughter
The world is not as it seems
My daughter
The world is not as it seems

You will be safe
Follow Me
Listen to Me
I will speak to your heart

Seek out the lost
Pray, testify, witness
Tell them how much you love Me
Tell them I love them
I do love them
I love all humanity
Tell them I love them

Tell them I come soon
Repent while there is still time
Time to do so is running out
The door to the ark is closing
You want to be in My ark
Before the coming storm

Warn My people
A great storm is coming to this land
Fire and brimstone will
rain down from heaven
Judgment comes to America,
North America
This land that once professed faith in Me
Has rejected Me
She worships idols
I will not have it.
I am the great and mighty God
Who created you.
There is no other God besides Me.
Stop worshipping other gods.
Confess your sin and I will forgive you.
Come before Me with humble and contrite heart
Put down your phones.
Worship Me on bended knee.
Do not burn incense to other gods.
I AM a jealous God.
Spend time with Me.
Worship Me.
Praise, give praise to My Name.
Return to Me.
Return to Me with humble and contrite heart and I will forgive My people.

Isaiah 26:4-10
Hosea 3

Eli Z

Photos courtesy Depositphotos 


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