Responsible or Irresponsible – Lasttrumpet777
September 02, 2018
Every one of you must be wise and responsible and not foolish and irresponsible. Your daily walk and personal relationship with Me is your own responsibility and not that of other people. I will decide your fate and will allow you Entrance into Heaven or refuse you, and no one else. You will all give account for your own deeds, good or evil and bear the consequences. I Am The only Righteous Judge, I Judge Fairly and Justly.
Sadly many will reach the wrong end destination, if they do not repent and turn from their irresponsible ways in time. It is not My will that anyone perish but that all repent to have Eternal Life. There will be no mercy without true remorseful repentance for the irresponsible. I have no Favoritism and I do not Discriminate. Do not be deceived. I do not Change, I Am Holy. Be Holy also because without Holiness no one will see Me.
It is your responsibility to be always in Peace with Me and to be in My Perfect Will. That is Pleasing to Me. You must be found worthy to Inherit My Everlasting Kingdom. The irresponsible will not Inherit My Everlasting Kingdom. I will say to many in that Day, go away I never knew you, you who work iniquity. It is your responsibility to be responsible, to Listen to, obey and follow Me only and until the very end, or it will be all in vain. Many will try to enter through the narrow Door, but will not be able. Do not be irresponsible, or you will be disappointed.
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter The Kingdom of Heaven, but only the one who does The Will of My Father who is in Heaven. 22 Many will say to Me on that Day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your Name and in Your Name drive out demons and in Your Name perform many miracles? 23 Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you. Away from Me, you evildoers!” Matthew 7:21-23