
Respect the Opinions of Others – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Respect the Opinions of Others

11/10/24 10:28 AM


Each of us are products and creations of the Father. It is what we do while in this vessel on Earth. Do we adhere to the creator in all he stands for, or do we go our way?

Our way can be influenced by the dark side. If we adhere to sin, we become closer to that darkness. Choices are made along the way to become who we are. Are we of light or darkness? Do we listen and follow the fundamental rules of decency while interacting with others? Do we respect their opinions and open our minds to other people’s views? Or do we become violent because we have not gotten our way (what we perceive of being correct)?

These choices and actions are the framework of who you become. Know that each person has the right to opinions and views no matter if they are right or wrong. Choose your battles carefully for all my children are different, with varying views and opinions.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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