By Kevin Barrett
March 19, 2018
Resist the Falling Away
Dear Saints,
We are in the last of the last days and much of scripture is coming to pass. However, much of what is written in scripture regarding the last days is greatly misinterpreted by most of the Church. Whereas, my dear friend and pastor received a word for the Body of Christ regarding the coming falling away. This is not what most think and many of us are in danger of falling away and don’t even know it.
When I read this word I could feel the Lord speaking to my heart. I pray that this word will also speak to you all and awaken many to the truth, and help us all to be found worthy to escape the many woes coming upon the earth.
Word from the Lord:
Come close to Me, My people & know My love for you…for I love you with an everlasting love. Know My love as it truly is…not how life or the world has instilled in you. For too many, My love is perceived by how things are going in one’s life. For too many, My love is perceived by whether you go through good times or bad times. For too many, My love seems ever “changing”, when I have said, My love changes not! I see the confusion that is beginning to take hold of My people…I see the torment as well as the emptiness. How is it that so many cannot fathom the depth of My love for them? For it isn’t My love that changes…it is only the changes one perceives, because of whatever they are going through. These things are not suppose to cause you to doubt My love…NO…these things should thrust you CLOSER to Me so My love would catapult you into Heavenly places…in Me. Hear Me, My people & understand the hour that you now live in. For so many speak of the end-times & how things are going to change, there is much excitement…but when things do begin to change around you, many begin to doubt My love & care for them. My love hasn’t changed…all that is happening is, you are seeing that your world is being shaken. Herein lies the problem…for many are shaken by the pains of birth that I said would come…they are shaken because their eyes are on THEIR world, instead of being fixed upon Me.
I need you to hear this & begin to respond to Me from your hearts. For what you are seeing happening around you is only having such effect because of your connection to the things that are perishing…for no man can serve two masters. I need you to see this so you can re-position yourselves into the place that I have made for you to BE, so you will dwell in that place close to My heart. For as your affections are placed on the things below, you will be affected by them. You cannot be affected by something that does not have a place in your heart. I want your affections to be on the things above…for that is what I came, bled, died & resurrected for…that you would have life & have it more abundantly.
For I am beginning to position My people into a place that they will see great blessing upon their lives. But, this cannot come upon you as long as you allow yourselves to be affected by the things in this world…for I require that My people be good stewards of the things of My Kingdom. Even so, I need you all to recognize this & respond appropriately, both to Me & to your circumstances so I can begin to release that which I have promised to each of you for a very long time. For many continue to wait for Me to fulfill My promises to them when in reality, it is I that is waiting on them…for I await the time that My people will no longer be tossed to & fro, whether by wind of doctrine or wavering by doubting.
I do not want you to be like those who are double-minded & like waves driven by the sea. I want My people to be strong in their Lord & in the power of HIS might. Hear Me now & understand the time that you now live in…for you are seeing the end come before your very eyes. For I have said that the catching away would not come, except there is a falling away first & that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. When many read this, they can only see the meaning of this simplistically. There is more to this than that…for I said that My word is ALIVE & powerful & sharper than any two-edged sword, piecing & dividing asunder of soul & spirit & is a discerner of the thoughts & intents of the heart.
For when many think of the falling away, they look at it, as if it refers to everyone else…when I want My people to see it clearly, as referring to them. For the falling away does not happen in an instant…it is something that happens gradually. Just like the old parable of the frog in the pot on the hot stove…death comes slowly, as it is lulled into the sleep of death…never to return again. I need My people to examine their lives & see where they are concerning the falling away…look at your lives & see for yourselves. Do you see yourselves coming closer & closer to Me…or do you find yourselves slowing being pulled away? I do not say this to scare you or to condemn you…I say this because of My genuine love for you.
I want you to see the truth, so you can shake yourself free from this & return to coming closer to Me. For that is what I desire for you…that is what truly pleases Me! I do not want any of you to miss out on what I have planned for you…but the response of your heart is your choice…I cannot force you to change…I cannot make you to do anything. All I can do is woo you with My unchanging love & tell you the truth…that you all may grow up into Him, who is the head…even Christ! For My desire is for the word of Christ to dwell in you richly in all wisdom. Hear Me, My people & seek me…draw close to Me while you can. For if you will truly do this, I assure you that you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”.
End of word.