Febuary 24, 2024 6:28 PM
Feb 23 24
Between the sixth and Seventh month the time of the end has begun Floodgates of Wrath and Blessing. To each his own reward. They neglect the Words of the prophets the Eternal Covenant I made with them. My people are chastised Daily Yet they Have not turned into me. Repentance is needed, Repentance is needed my Child my children Heaven awaits for you. Be Strong and Gracious unto all the time will soon Come where you Will see me in great Glory. Repent now O Wicked Nation believe in me Or Perish Yahushua beloved one Amen Holy Spirit ♥️
Repent, Recompense Recompense Evil from the north from afar I will Shout Aloud. The righteous inherit Glory. But the wicked an Evil Thought. Should Repent loudly to a dying Devil filled nation filled with nasty of all kinds. Blessed be the God of Glory for repentance and mercy forever ages. Forever I reign in eternal Glory my Name is Ahayah Shabbat shabboath great Glory in the Heavens Be praised be Praised Come inherit the Holy mountain a Place of Rest in righteous ness Blessing and Glory
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