
Repent! Repent Now – BRIDEOFYESHUA-RS

Repent! Repent Now

June 5, 2022 4:49 AM

Sunday, June 5, 2022, at 13:19

“My precious daughter, I love you, you are My delight, I have a word for My children, please write it down.

My children, your days on this planet are counting down, can’t you feel it? The political situation of this world are undergoing subtle changes, the leaderships of countries are changing in order to better and more quickly join with the beast system to bring the new world order into this final generation.

Do you believe it is a coincidence that a new epidemic is coming before COVID-19 epidemic has not completely and totally left? No, it was planned long ago, a plan to rapidly reduce the world’s population; a plan to make it easier for you to surrender your freedom and privacy; a plan to better control you and manipulate you; a plan to accelerate advance their New World Order; a plan to more quickly remove and wipe out everything that belongs to Me from this planet——the devil’s ultimate plan.

My heart is grief, I see not only that those who belong to this world do not know Me, but I see that even those who had taken up their crosses to follow Me are now beginning to leave Me to follow the promises given to them by the god of this world, believing the whispers of the evil one in their ears.

Their light is dimmed, their eyes are blinded. Yet they believe that the path they are walking now to their death is the leading and guidance I gave them; and that the words that come out of their mouths are the words I put in their mouths for them to say, leading My flock to the slaughter.

Return, My beloved children, to Me, Jesus of Nazareth, who came in the flesh, your Lord and Savior, the Messiah/Christ, who gave His life and bled His blood on the cross for you to redeem you; Confess your sins, let My light pierce the darkness in you, dispel that darkness, fill you with My light again; allow My light to shine on you again, so that you may become someone who bring My light into this increasingly dark world, to lighten those who are still in the darkness and shadow of death, to draw them to Me, to bring them all into My kingdom, so that they may all enjoy the eternal life I desire to give them.

Repent! Repent now, My children, come to Me now, let My blood shed for you on the cross of Calvary cleanse you from all your sins; cry out to Me now, and I will save you, pull you out of the sludge of your sins, wash your clothes with My blood, and put your feet on the narrow path I have appointed for you, which leads to eternal life.

My precious children, I love you, I desire to give you My kingdom, I desire that every and each one of souls I have created in My image and likeness should enter into My kingdom, to enjoy the eternal life I have given you, which exceeds all that you ask or think.

But the kingdom of heaven is to be entered into with effort. Do not think that you are saved forever because you have prayed once, have not My words said that you are to work out your salvation with fear and trembling?

If you do not confess your sins daily and sin no more; deny yourselves daily, take up your cross and follow Me; spend time reading My words daily; spend time getting close to Me, your Lord and Savior, the Lover of your souls, Jesus Christ, and establish a personal, one-on-one intimate relationship with Me; walk in the Spirit daily, mortify the deeds of your bodies through the Holy Spirit, keep your robes white and clean, keep yourselves to be holy, then you will lose your salvation, your name will be blotted out of the book of life.

Wake up, My children, your time is numbered, do not think that you have many more years remain on this planet, and that you can still pursue the world and the things in it that only want to destroy you.

I tell you, there is no more time, all of heaven is waiting for a command from My Father, and then I will return to take My spotless and blameless bride in glory; the angels will clothe you in white and glorious robes as you ascend to Me, your corruptible and mortal bodies will be transformed into in-corruption and immortality, just as My glorified body is after I rose from the dead. You will meet Me in the air to see Me as I Am, we will go together to the wedding feast of the Lamb.

Are you ready? Do you still have oil in your lamps? Are you the five foolish virgins, or are you the five wise virgins who still have oil in their lamps? Are your clothes washed clean by My blood? Are you the one who entered the wedding feast of the king’s son in his wedding garment, or are you the one who was found by the king to have attended the wedding feast without his wedding garment, and was then cast outside into the darkness to wail and gnash your teeth?

My children, while there is still a little time, while there is still a crack in the door of the ark that is closing, come to Me to receive life, for I Am the life, I Am the truth, I Am the only way to the Father, I Am the light of the world. Come near to the Light, and you will be able to be My shining starlight on this planet, to illuminate everyone who is still in the darkness of this dark world.

Come, My children, come and be My light to lighten those who are in the darkness and shadow of death.

I love you

Your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ”

Please take everthing to the Lord in prayer

God richly Bless,



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