October 19, 2022 10:38 AM
Eli Z
Received 10/18/22.
I heard these words upon awakening.
Sure ye have dirt.
I jumped out of bed to write.
But follow this commandment.
Love ye one another as I have loved you.
I will wash you clean in My blood.
Love ye one another.
Eat only what is required.
Take only what is needed.
I will provide the rest.
Follow Me.
Trust Me.
Surrender all to Me.
Warn My people. I come quickly.
Suddenly I will appear.
You need to be ready.
There is a stench in Jerusalem.
I see a woman wiping up the cardboard and tops of cans stored upon the cardboard.
I ask the Lord, what is she doing?
She is trying to clean up the spoil.
But the stench lingers
Because My people have not repented of their many sins.
I ask, what is the value of repentance? What shall I tell the people?
Tell them I cannot abide in sin.
They are to repent and to be holy as I am holy.
I come quickly. You have less time than before to put your house in order.
Behold I come.
Do not grow complacent. I will not leave stones unturned when I come and find that you have not prepared for My coming.
Repent now.
Then shall you say,
My Son, this day I have begotten you.
Listen to Him.
There is little time left. Make ready.
I see a tractor going away from me rolling brambles behind it as it goes along.
I will roll away their carcasses.
I will roll away the stench of My people who do not repent, who do not prepare.
You have little time left.
Use it well.
(Later on the same day:)
Say to the people
Behold I come quickly
Be ready.
Let not the day catch you off guard
I come like a thief in the night.
Do not be surprised
I come quickly.
Be holy as I am holy.
Repent from all your sins
Even now whilst it is day
Wash your garments in My blood
that they may be made clean
whiter than snow.
Do not fear My coming
There is no need to be afraid
I love you and will claim you as my own
For it is so written in My word.
Will you be ready when I come?
Hast thou prepared thyself?
Make ready therefore
I come quickly
Tell My brothers and sisters
Not to wait
but be about My Father’s business
The harvest is plenty
Pray that I may find you
about My Father’s business when I return.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos