Red Sky / UFO / Smartphones Exploding
October 29, 2020 11:20 PM
Today is 30/10/2020
In a dream I saw a red cloudy sky. It was thick and it looked like one gigantic layer of alien like tissue. And through this layer that covered the sky I saw an eclipse in the background. Then something like a spaceship came and it hovered over the ground. After it shot a huge and long tentacle like a worm into the ground and human like demonic creatures came out from the ground and just stood there ready to attack. Right after I was practicing with a sword like one does before combat.
I’m aware Halloween is tomorrow and I know the devil is already attacking once again. Stand firm.
I’ve also seen a man in America who was talking on the phone and then it suddenly blew up and his head was electrocuted. This is the third dream I’ve had this October about smartphones exploding or melting. This might as well be an emp event. Stay sharp.