Receive ME
8/8/24 2:53 PM
Whitney Eslick Manuel
7/30/2024 12:46 AM
I received this word from the LORD on the last day of my Technology Fast that lasted 7 days. I share it in the matchless NAME of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.
After I had asked HIM to speak HIS words to ME, He said,
“Then write, Beloved. You ask for MY words, therefore I delight to give you your request. You sing praise of ME and MY every word, therefore it is MY pleasure to lavish MY words upon you. How often I desire to speak and communicate with MY children, yet no one listens. They go about their lives, from one activity to the next, and yet do not stop to hear. They do not stop to take time, even a few moments of time to hear ME speak. But some listen. Some hold their ear to the floor, to the wall, to the wind, ever listening, ever waiting, ever hoping to hear MY words and to listen to MY voice. These will I honor with more and more of their desire. I will be found by those who seek ME, who earnestly and reverently seek MY face. Beloved, you please MY heart. You touch MY soul. If MY words are gold to you, liquid gold as you so often say, then let ME send MY waterfall to pour over you words and words for days. Days upon end. Days with no ending. I delight in you, too. These are MY words, Beloved. Do not fear; only receive. Receive ME.”
Note: I had been reading in the book of Numbers (specifically chapters 16 and 17) about Korah’s rebellion and the grumbling against Moses and Aaron right before I received this word. I thought how it would have personally driven me crazy if I was them and had to put up with such words and attitudes as we see in both of those chapters. After recording this word (the last of 3 prophetic words I received from HIM while on my technology fast that the LORD Himself instructed me to do), I took all the messages out of my notebook to put into my Bible for safe keeping in order to share them with you all after my fast was over. When I opened my Bible to put the papers in, it opened to Psalm 104 and the LORD directed me to read that Psalm because it was no accident that my Bible happened to open to that particular psalm. Beautiful! I encourage you to read Psalm 104 in its entirety.
Here is a snippet from it:
“I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my GOD as long as I live. May my meditation be pleasing to HIM, as I rejoice in the LORD.”
-Psalm 104: 33-34