Vaccine, Word

Questions & Answers – BRIDEOFYESHUA-RS

Questions & Answers

March 21, 2022 7:19 AM

February 2, 2022, Tuesday

Today I asked the Lord about the difference between PCR test and vaccines, and also, if a person who has not been vaccinated can have sex with a vaccinated spouse (this question has been asked by several sisters in my group, so I took it to the Lord today).

Here are what I heard, please take them to the Lord for confirmation:

1. What is the difference between PCR test and vaccines:

“PCR test is an external injuries, vaccines are internal changes, and multiple accumulations of PCR test create internal changes.”

2. If an unvaccinated person can have sex with a vaccinated spouse:

“Absolutely not! My words make it clear that the two shall be one flesh, and anyone who voluntarily has sex with a vaccinated spouse equates to be vaccinated.

But if a vaccinated spouse forces unvaccinated one to have sex with, I will keep the unvaccinated and protect them.”

God richly Bless,



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