PROPHETIC DREAM: Underground Church
July 5, 2021 10:22 AM
Elizabeth Marie
I posted this dream in my Newsletter back in May 2021, and felt lead to ‘re-post’ it here in my BLOG. The LORD always warns HIS people so they can prepare and pray!
DREAM: received April 30, 2021
In this dream, I was at a very expensive resort, and found myself actually purchasing a condo. Even though this condo complex seemed to be in a city where there were a lot of people, the actual condo that I purchased was on what seemed to be on the very top floor of a very large building.
I was very excited about being able to purchase it, because I knew that it was far enough away from all the commotion on the ground floor. To me, it seemed like it was going to be a good ‘bug-out’ place.
After the purchase, I was ready to go and join my husband, who was already in the condo. I started trying to find my way there, but kept getting lost. It seemed almost impossible to get to the actual condo, and I had no way of phoning my husband for help or directions
It seemed like for hours I was trying different methods to get to my new purchased home…..but the elevator didn’t work…..I couldn’t find any stairs….and every hallway or corridor that I went down was a dead end.
I then saw a hole near a ceiling wall, and thought that I might have to crawl my way up there through that small space. I thought that this might be the only access to the condo …… through this small passage. Then, ALL OF A SUDDEN, once I had that thought, I was immediately transported INSIDE the condo with my husband. , NEXT SCENE: My husband and I were in deep prayer together in this new condo. While I was praying, I started hearing other voices. I looked up, and saw that our condo had become huge…. like a conference center room. I saw over in the distance two men that were also praying. Then I saw a bunch of other people come and join them. At this point, I realize that this place was not just for us, but for other Christians.
NEXT SCENE: It is now late at night, and we were able to get out, and enjoy the outside, without be noticed. I knew that we had to remain as ‘hidden’ as possible! However, I remember feeling so excited about getting the chance to walk outside in the coolness of the evening.
I then received a call from a relative, but told them that I couldn’t talk right now (because I was enjoying my few minutes of being outside), but would call them back at 8:30 pm. I then looked and saw that it was 8 pm, which meant we only had a half hour left of being outside, before calling them back.
This ‘condo,’ represents the CHURCH GOING UNDERGROUND. This will be a move of GOD during the days of persecution.
Since the condo was on the upper, upper floor, it means that it is an ‘UPPER ROOM,’ filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. It was in a ‘public’ place, however, it was ‘hidden in plain sight.’
The only access was a small hole to climb through. This means that few find it…… only those who are seeking with all their hearts.
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. “Because] narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:13-14
We are going to see the true church of JESUS go ‘underground,’and we will have to be hidden. It reminds me of the days of WW2, and the story of Anne Frank.
The number ‘8′ stands for NEW BEGINNINGS…..and I believe that during this time the church will be purified without spot or blemish… will be a NEW BEGINNING for the church, as we wait on our LORD and SAVIOR to come for us!
The LORD has shown me that a NEW KIND OF CHURCH is going to emerge from the ashes… will be very much like the Church from the Book of Acts, during their time of persecution!
“Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19
“For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; In the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.” Psalms 27:5