Propaganda Warning #4 LGBT- Chained to the Rhythm of relentless propaganda, along with many others
11/1/24 8:47 PM
Naomi C.
Propaganda Warning #4 LGBT– ‘Chained to the Rhythm’ of relentless propaganda, along with many others.
This post will touch on relentless propaganda faced by all and a campaign (that became the blueprint for LGBT public relations) that continues to be put to global use. It will also look at symbolism in two music videos, including a modern spiritual allegory, Chained to the Rhythm, and the music video, You Need To Calm Down. It will stress that we are truly living in a time of ‘equality’; we are ALL equally at the end of carefully planned campaigns of spiritual demoralization, aided by many who believe them to be campaigns of ‘liberation’.
Relentless indoctrination
With a child in school, I am aware of the relentless LGBT indoctrination that is occurring in schools at this time in history. This is occurring in schools across the West. Numerous courageous parents have been recorded speaking to school boards around the USA regarding LGBT indoctrination in their children’s schools, many reading out loud highly sexualized passages from the perverted texts that have made it into their children’s school libraries.
My child’s school library has displayed a book titled ‘The Queer Bible’, along with many other LGBT titles, including books about ‘transgender’ youth. The school also has countless rainbow ‘equality’ posters displayed on the walls from an LGBT advocacy group. Of course, the marketplace starts its indoctrination even earlier than schools with its ‘Follow Your Rainbow’ / ‘Rainbows are Happiness’/ ‘Choose Rainbow’ early priming being printed on countless children’s products sold around the globe. This type of messaging is now aimed at toddlers and reaches them via well-known branded characters for children. This incessant messaging is now faced by all.
The Blueprint
As many are aware, we are currently witnessing one of the largest marketing campaigns in our world in action, it is a campaign that is profoundly influencing children. The methods of marketing LGBT propaganda today still powerfully reflect a marketing blueprint written by two Harvard graduates. In a now deleted profile, Hunter Madsen, acknowledged on his own LinkedIn page that he ‘co-authored a controversial book’ one that ‘became a blueprint’ to advance LGBT rights.
Hunter Madsen – City Councillor – City of Port Moody | LinkedIn (last viewed August 2022)
More recently, Madsen appears to have backed away from his own clear statement regarding his LGBT rights ‘blueprint’, later writing:
‘Through the decades since its publication, this political manifesto has been cited broadly (and misleadingly) by the religious right as the sinister blueprint to the purported “homosexual agenda” in America.’
Hunter Madsen – Fine Art Photographer – Hunter Arts | LinkedIn (last viewed April 2023)
Madsen had referred to the book as a ‘blueprint’ himself less than a year before on a previous personal profile, and what is his ‘political manifesto’ other than a published declaration of political intentions, an ‘agenda’ to be carried out. By using words such as ‘the religious right’, ‘misleadingly’, ‘sinister’ ‘purported’ it appears the author hopes to discount those who will never buy his slippery sophism, with its devastating long-term legacy for all, especially children.
The quotations in Madsen’s book, along with countless examples of modern LGBT propaganda, help clear up whether such an ‘agenda’ is real, or alleged / ‘purported’:
‘The campaign we outline in this book, though complex, depends centrally upon a program of unabashed propaganda, firmly grounded in long-established principles of psychology and advertising.’
Kirk, M. & Madsen, H. (1990), After the Ball: How America will conquer its fear & hatred of Gays in the 90’s. Plume, Penguin, New York. P. xxviii.
Kirk and Madsen outlined how they would change the public narrative on homosexuality via techniques of ‘unabashed propaganda’, techniques which have not only have been successful, but which continue to be put in use powerfully to this day, including in the current marketing of transgenderism to children. Transgenderism has received significant media attention, one of the primary methods of influence for those seeking to market ideas and influence behaviour.
Kirk, M. & Madsen, H. (1990), After the Ball: How America will conquer its fear & hatred of Gays in the 90’s. Plume, Penguin, New York. P.157.
Of course, for those who have not fallen in with such an agenda, there’s been a carefully outlined response for them in the blueprint, one that’s been exercised relentlessly over decades. After the Ball, the book that became the blueprint for LGBT rights, outlined a campaign to ruthlessly vilify anyone who didn’t approve, with the intention to eventually silence them.
‘Intransigents will eventually be silenced in public- much as rabid racists…’ the authors of the book wrote.
Kirk, M. & Madsen, H. (1990), After the Ball: How America will conquer its fear & hatred of Gays in the 90’s. Plume, Penguin, New York. P.189.The campaign of ‘unabashed propaganda’ was essentially a campaign that intended to utilize finely tuned emotional manipulations (i.e. it was a campaign based on sophism, not reason or wisdom.) The great philosophers, such as Aristotle and Plato, intensely disliked the sophists of their own day, and in his Metaphysics, Aristotle associated the sophists with chaos. Today, modern sophism, and its associated chaos, is heavily influencing the schools with the marketing of LGBT ideology to children.
Kirk and Madsen wrote: ‘Three characteristics distinguish propaganda from other modes of communication and contribute to its sinister reputation. First, propaganda relies more upon emotional manipulation than upon logic, since its goal is, in fact, to bring about a change in the public’s feelings….’
Kirk, M. & Madsen, H. (1990), After the Ball: How America will conquer its fear & hatred of Gays in the 90’s. Plume, Penguin, New York. Pp.162-163. (my bold emphasis)
Ultimately, the campaign was to actively present homosexuals ‘as victims’ as opposed to a ‘strong and arrogant tribe’. This approach has been an ongoing part of today’s LGBT campaign, firmly grounding its methods of manipulation in the original blueprint. A campaign of ‘unabashed propaganda’ basing itself on victimhood and other powerful methods of emotional manipulation has been so successful any apparent early restraints are now gone.
‘In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be portrayed as victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined by reflex to adopt the role of protector. If gays present themselves, instead, as a strong and arrogant tribe promoting a defiantly non-conformist lifestyle, they are more likely to be seen as a public menace that warrants resistance and oppression. For that reason, we must forego the temptation to strut our gay pride publicly to such an extent that we undermine our victim image.’
Kirk, M. & Madsen, H. (1990), After the Ball: How America will conquer its fear & hatred of Gays in the 90’s. Plume, Penguin, New York. P.183
Chained to the Rhythm – A spiritual allegory where an organized group of uniformed sailors deliver Rose (symbolic of the ‘Oblivious’/those with rose coloured glasses) to gas station pumps that fuel all on ‘hell-fire’ water.
In my previous post Pilgrims Of A Last Age: Armour Up! And Stand For Your God – Naomi. C. – 444 Prophecy News I wrote about the Katy Perry music video ‘Chained to the Rhythm’, a video apparently basing itself on John Bunyan’s spiritual allegory, The Pilgrim’s Progress. Katy Perry – Chained To The Rhythm (Official) ft. Skip Marley – YouTube
In the music video Chained to the Rhythm, it is revelatory that the character ‘Rose’, symbolising the oblivious, is taken to consume the inferno (hell-fire!) water, in a crucifixion style position (a mockery of Christ) by very happy uniformed sailors with deep plunging necklines.
The group of sailors appears to be very symbolic in this music video, along the lines of the Village People’s music and personas, such as in ‘In the Navy’ and ‘YMCA’. The Village People have been described in a BBC Culture article as ‘Not ‘just’ gay, They’re almost overtly (homo)sexual.’. The gay ecstasy of the Village People – BBC Culture
The sailors appear to symbolize the adherents to a lifestyle and ideology that has been powerfully used through ‘a program of unabashed propaganda’ ‘flooding the media’, as a tool to thoroughly overturn and invert a previous moral order, thereby taking many to drink directly of inferno/hell fire water (hell-fire water). High level spiritual propagandists apparently work with precision and sometimes, via symbolism, share their proud achievements. Of course, a preacher who might demonstrate courage enough to relay a similar message as a warning in a Sunday Sermon, or from a street corner, could well be locked up for doing so.
The oblivious sailors in the Chained to the Rhythm spiritual allegory are, notably, as oblivious as everyone else depicted in the park of ‘Oblivia’/Vanity Fair (an amusement park/fair that is symbolic of our world and its many temptations). Ultimately, the lord of this dark fair, the serpent deceiver, appears to have as much contempt for the sailors/LGBT (as anyone else within the amusement park/fair (symbolic of our world), including Christian pilgrims.
The uniformed sailors are being encouraged, as all the others in ‘Oblivia’, to continue dancing to the distortion. Sailors are also part of the final dark totalitarian scenes depicted in the music video.
The spiritual allegory, Chained to the Rhythm, is apparently also an equality allegory, deeper and far more meaningful than any equality narrative being marketed as such today. It is an allegory demonstrating underlying contempt toward all humanity, all current LGBT+ identifying individuals fully included. There’s no exclusion in Oblivia/Vanity Fair, nor in our world, where all are most welcome, actively encouraged, to drink the water of death and encourage others to do the same.
What of the consequences for anyone drinking ‘hell fire’ water? The video and lyrics encourage all not to think about them. ‘Take a shot, don’t think about the hangover’ the lyrics encourage.
God, however, makes it clear:
‘For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.’ Romans 6: 23 (KJV)
The highly symbolic modern spiritual allegory, Chained to the Rhythm, appears to show us that high-level spiritual propagandists influencing modern entertainment/propaganda, apparently know PRECICELY what they are doing in depicting one primary organized group (LGBT) lifting and transporting the OBLIVIOUS (symbolized by Rose) to drink of the inferno/fire water (hell-fire! water). They have achieved a significant amount through this one organized group in the world.
It is not surprising that the pyramid worshiping character ‘Simon’, dressed in a rose-coloured suit and silver glitter shirt, with rose coloured lipstick, receives a significantly higher public vote on the ‘LOVE ME validation station’ attached to the ‘LOVE ME’ rollercoaster ride, than Rose who has helmet hair and is dressed in attire with design features referencing Christian pilgrims. After all, Simon is right in line for public validation based on long cultivated ‘victim’ status, in keeping with the blueprint. Chained to the Rhythm appears to represent a propagandist’s brag video, boasting of what has have achieved in the public mind of the ‘oblivious’. It also stands as a broad allegory of The Devil’s progress, his ‘progress’ in taking as many human souls to hell/inferno fire with him as he can, and that ‘progress’ is now significant.
The music video, Chained to the Rhythm, comes across as a celebration of the propaganda campaigns (long fed incrementally to obedient and ‘oblivious’ hamsters/humans who are played with as if in a dollhouse). These ‘hamsters’, like the one shown in the Chained to the Rhythm Lyric video, are often absorbed in their ‘Azetech’ televisions/media (probably a Quetzalcoatl/feathered serpent deity reference), eating carefully prepared meals, including carefully prepared serpent propaganda, to keep them CHAINED to the serpent rhythm. Katy Perry – Chained To The Rhythm (Lyric Video) ft. Skip Marley Campaigns leading to public demoralization and dependency, on numerous levels, have now come to fruition in many respects and have led/are leading many to a very dark place.
Out of the Campaign Closet and into public Libraries
After The Ball, outlined an approach of publicly hiding those in ‘the community’, now referred to broadly as LGBT, that were not considered good for their marketing campaigns, like drag queens.
‘…an effective media campaign would make use of symbols and spokespersons that reduce the straight majority’s sense of threat and induce it to lower its guard…Persons featured in the media campaign should be wholesome and admirable by straight standards, and completely unexceptional in appearance, in a word, they should be indistinguishable from the straights we’d like to reach. In practical terms, this means that cocky mustachioed leather-men, drag queens, and bull dykes would not appear in gay commercials and other public presentation…..It cannot go without saying, incidentally, that groups on the farthest margins of acceptability, such as NAMBLA, must play no part at all in such a campaign. Suspected child molesters will never look like victims.’
Kirk, M. & Madsen, H. (1990), After the Ball: How America will conquer its fear & hatred of Gays in the 90’s. Plume, Penguin, New York. Pp.183-184.
Many of the same individuals, once hidden from marketing campaigns, have now, decades later, apparently been given free reign over public libraries, and even star in music videos that heavily influence children and youth. LGBT public relations has apparently now let many of its less marketable well out of the closet, not going against the blueprint so much, but demonstrating to all that its intimidation and silencing techniques have now reached a point where they have been so wildly successful that a furthering of the campaign, for other LGBT via the media, is now possible.
The Discrepancies and the Common Thread
There’s a great discrepancy in the LGBT propaganda of the modern day. Youth, who are vulnerable to transgender propaganda, are told in books they can ‘be’ and ‘do anything’ (with early
transgender/crossdressing images clearly being modelled to them at the same time). Transgender vulnerable youth are encouraged along paths of profound change and destabilization, as orchestrated by modern propaganda campaigns. Meanwhile, the homosexually orientated receive campaigns of reinforcement alone. Apparently, they cannot change. Those who do suggest that they are capable of any change/conversion, such as a new identity in Christ, are in dangerous territory in the world.
Of course, despite this, countless personal books and filmed testimonies of individuals do exist as testament to such change (they’re just not found in many libraries or mainstream media where propaganda increasingly reigns). Clearly, reinforcement of change only exists publicly (and increasingly legally and medically) for LGBT individuals where their choice follows paths that are against God plans. While some are validated in paths of change, others are not. In short, it’s spiritual, and it appears that if you’re against God’s will, you’re on a fast track to bureaucratic validation in the world, and likely on fast track to somewhere else as well.
You Need To Calm Down (?)
Apparently, many need to Calm Down, a pop princess relays. Taylor Swift – You Need To Calm Down Yet, WHY should individuals calm down (and not offer some thoughtful resistance to relentless LGBT propaganda) when the song itself appears to be just another worshipful tune depicting dualistic serpents and apparently celebrating all the chaos and manipulation that such occultic serpent symbols represent to souls? What about concern for the destiny of souls?
Immediately before Taylor Swift’s caravan/trailer is shown being engulphed in flames, she is shown revealing a back tattoo in her bikini. On the tattoo countless butterflies (soul symbols) are depicted fanning out from two intertwined snakes (a symbol of dualism).
Do the homosexuals who are supposedly being ‘empowered’ by Taylor Swift and others in the marketplace, here, there and everywhere, realize the presence of such alchemy? Do they realize that occultic dual headed creatures, like those also shown in Katy Perry’s Chained to The Rhythm, have the unique capability to strike their prey from two directions, and that their ‘empowerment’ from one angle might just be orchestrated to achieve the opposite result?
Immediately after dualistic serpent and soul (butterfly) symbolism is shown on Taylor’s back, flames are shown burning the trailer she had just left. The fire started after a she threw her phone with the word ‘LOVER’ (the name of her album) printed on a glitter background (glittery like Simon’s shirt in Chained to the Rhythm), on top of it. Taylor’s colourful and flowery bed ultimately burns and consumes much with her promotion of glitter ‘LOVER’. The flames also engulf the framed words of an ‘empowered’ gay icon celebrity, an ally. Much contempt is apparently at play, and Taylor appears to have not a care in the world regarding what her global glitter lover promotion has ignited on the bed behind her and may continue to ignite into eternity for unrepentant glitter lovers and their allies.
Why should we calm down when this music video is just one more tiresome example of the historic propaganda ‘blueprint’ in action? A blueprint that called for the use of celebrities in the propaganda campaign.
‘Along the same lines, our campaign should not overlook the Celebrity Endorsement. The celebrities in question can, of course, be either straight or gay (and alive, for a change), but must always be well liked and respected by the public. If homosexual, the celebrity jams homohatred by presenting a favorable gay image at odds with the stereotype. If straight, the spokesperson (who deserves the Medal of Valor) provides the public with and impressive role model of social tolerance to emulate. In either case, the psychological response among straights is the same, and lays the groundwork for conversion: I like and admire Mr.Celeb; Mr. Celeb is queer and/or respects queers so either I must stop liking and admiring Mr. Celeb, or else it must be all right for me to respect queers.’
Kirk, M. & Madsen, H. (1990), After the Ball: How America will conquer its fear & hatred of Gays in the 90’s. Plume, Penguin, New York. Pp188-189.
The You Need To Calm Down music propaganda video, needless to say, includes numerous homosexual celebrities.
Why should we calm down when the music video is nothing but a short propaganda film? It is a propaganda film that depicts Christians as backwoods idiots in a way that looks like the director and the costume department went to bed reading passages from After The Ball (the blueprint for a campaign of ‘unabashed propaganda’) in the month before the shoot.
One of the suggested ways that Kirk and Madsen wrote that those opposing homosexuality could be vilified was by showing the following:
‘Hysterical backwoods preachers, drooling with hate to a degree that looks both comical and deranged.’
Kirk, M. & Madsen, H. (1990), After the Ball: How America will conquer its fear & hatred of Gays in the 90’s. Plume, Penguin, New York. Pp. 189.
The Christians depicted in Taylor Swift’s You Need To Calm Down music video are shown with their ‘hell’ and flame signs (strangely not all that different from showing glitter lover burning on a flowery bed). They hold signs that read ‘Adam and Eve NOT Adam and Steve’ and are depicted as full of hate ‘to a degree that looks both comical and deranged.’
Opponents to homosexuality, as depicted in the video, appear dull, they have no colour, some are missing teeth. They are dehumanised by being given non-human shadows, showing who really does need to calm down. The signs they hold are misspelt as if written by the illiterate who crawled out from under a rock to make them. The protesters are depicted as pathetic and stupid.
Two younger protestors are eventually depicted falling for the propaganda, dropping their signs and joining the colourful ‘party’, thereby powerfully modelling what GLAAD, and others, want everyone to do. ‘Why are you mad?, the lyrics question, When you could be GLAAD? (You could be GLAAD)’
Alchemy and Magic in the fair (our world)
There were often magicians and alchemists depicted in old illustrations of Bunyan’s Vanity Fair (symbolic of the world and its unfulfilling temptations). Similarly, there is alchemy at play everywhere in our world today (two headed serpent alchemy appears to be favoured in some music videos). Today alchemy along with large doses of propaganda apparently seek to trap souls eternally under carefully orchestrated and highly expensive global campaigns of ‘love’ and ‘equality’.
Certain propagandists, who also operate on a spiritual level in the material world, are not at all like the oblivious that they depict in their music videos. They clearly still read, and read deeply, and in cultivating a climate of mass demoralization lending itself to greater control, they appear to still function very much on the old definitions and associations.
A Time for Courage, Prayers, and Truth
How many today have discarded God’s word for the comfortable reinforcement of worldly ‘acceptance’ and validation? How many, through doing so, have become one with the propaganda of their day? How many experience the temporary benefit of reducing their daily cognitive dissonance (between their beliefs and the way of the world) by merging with the world, including with LGBT propaganda? Unfortunately, in taking such a path they offer their fellow humanity, as a result, no true hope at all.
LGBT identifying people should perhaps ask themselves in the current climate, one where humanity is being demoralized on countless levels, why they alone are apparently at the receiving end of a genuine (?) global campaign of ‘empowerment’ in Vanity Fair (the world), when nobody else is? Do global corporations and the modern music industry really care? To believe in the ultimate ‘empowerment’, of a carefully orchestrated campaign that has had to operate on propaganda, personal shaming, psychological manipulation, sophism, and marketed victimhood to win people over to the ‘good’ at the end of the rainbow is surely a long stretch. Why does today’s campaign need to ruthlessly target toddlers, children, and schools?
It is a further stretch of reality to believe that high level spiritual invisible wirepullers, those who apparently worship dual headed serpents, really care about the personal welfare and futures of current LGBT identifying individuals. Even modern music videos appear to have the honest subtext, that ALL humanity (LGBT included) is being equally demoralized on every level, especially spiritually. This is not to say that many involved in these propaganda campaigns, at various levels, do not wholly believe, in an oblivious manner, that they are ‘empowering’ the masses with what they promote.
Stand your ground Christian pilgrims. Truths, prayers, and courage are needed at this time, the children and youth need to be protected, and there are souls to warn and save.
‘Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.’ 1 Corinthians 6:11 (KJV)
‘Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.’ James 5: 19-20. (KJV)
‘But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.’ Romans 5:8 (KJV)
‘The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:’ Numbers 6:24 (KJV)
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