Propaganda Warning #3: The Bad Vibes of ‘Good Vibes Only’
January 26, 2024 11:29 AM
Naomi C.
‘Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV
‘Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath. Neither give place to the devil.’ Ephesians 4:25-27. KJV
‘The simple believeth every word; but the prudent man looketh well to his going.’ Proverbs 14:15. KJV
The bad vibes of ‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ controls, is my third warning regarding propaganda. This warning deals with what is an increasingly common technique of silencing citizens in the face of increasingly dark manipulations.
You have likely noticed the growing preachiness coming from the modern marketplace and even the growing restrictions placed on our emotional responses. If not, take note, because it’s likely to get much worse. The insinuation is always that the populace is not being kind enough, nor thinking positively enough and ‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’, ‘POSITIVE VIBES ONLY’ and ‘KIND VIBES ONLY’ reminders apparently must be (and are) printed virtually everywhere. Meanwhile, alongside the slogan heavy propaganda of ‘positivity’, the state of things continues to deteriorate. It’s not surprising, and these slogans simply represent another form of repressive and confusing propaganda that certainly does not work to bring more kindness, goodness, or virtue to our world.
‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ Propaganda and the Early Promotion of Identity Confusion
Notably ‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ propagandistic slogans, aimed to control, are often printed alongside some of the most disturbing agendas being pushed in our time. For instance, marketing initiatives pushing cross dressing/transgender images and other LGBT themes in books for young children, are often accompanied by ‘GOOD/KIND VIBES ONLY’ and ‘THERE’S POWER IN KINDNESS’ type slogans. Mass produced books for preschoolers with kindness in their titles, sold in Big Box stores around the world, are invariably written from LGBT perspectives, forwarding LGBT agendas in the minds of children. What ‘POWER’ those behind such marketing initiatives are referring to, is apparently the power of control. The spiritual control behind such initiatives is also hinted at with the pentagram symbolism that is also, all too often, present alongside the most manipulative market campaigns now targeting children.
‘Positive Vibes’ are apparently the only variety of ‘vibes’, essentially emotional responses, and emotional states, that are tolerated in the face of growing propaganda in our world, including propaganda that is powerfully eroding individual identities. Identity reinforcement was referred to in my previous post on How to Best Protect Yourself from Propaganda as being ‘the most important resistance technique’ to propaganda based on the historic research on brainwashing by Robert J Lifton. (How to Best Protect Yourself from Propaganda – Naomi C. – 444 Prophecy News )
Protective identities are only protective from societal propaganda, however, when realistic, true, and biologically grounded. This appears to be why the modern media and marketplace are doing all they can to deconstruct identities from early childhood, as opposed to reinforcing them. By breaking identities propagandists create the ‘ideal’ recipient for propaganda generally. In terms of the current transgender propaganda, a process of identity deconstruction creates the ‘ideal’ individual for a medical model of profitability via expensive childhood to grave false ‘identity maintenance’. Marketing academics have long understood that a postmodern breakdown of the self is a very profitable and ‘ideal’ market model.
Positivity propaganda powerfully supports the propaganda campaigns of identity erosion, along with other propaganda in our society, by telling us all to have ‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ toward the manipulations that are occurring. What the marketing of ‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ messaging really represents has little or nothing to do with encouraging ‘Goodness’ or ‘Kindness’, but a lot to do with the use of a powerful propaganda technique of control being employed on the populace. It is a technique of silencing.
‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ propaganda and the curtailment of natural emotions
Vibe/Vibes: a person’s emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others.
The market curtailment of what is essentially a natural and healthy range of emotional responses / ‘vibes’ under ‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ propaganda is, of course, ridiculous, especially given the word emotion comes from the Latin ‘emovere’ meaning ‘to move’.
When we are relentlessly encouraged to be frozen in one ‘POSITIVE’ state ‘ONLY’, we are experiencing nothing less than an attack on an integral part of our humanity, one that by nature moves and changes. Of course, in a world where everything else with human meaning and design is being fully inverted by the Ultimate Propagandist (Satan), why would our powerful emotions be left out?
While children are being repetitively told via numerous market slogans to have ‘NO BAD DAYS’ and ‘GOOD DAYS ONLY’, a time of profound deception, cultivating much that is bad, is upon us all, not to forget the ‘wars and rumours of wars’. When we are set up to believe unrealistic messages, and to believe in unrealistic things, we are set up for failure, to fall hard, we are not given a foundation of reality and resilience, Satan knows this. While it is one thing to try not to be alarmed, as the Bible instructs, at what we encounter in this world, it is quite another to have nothing but ‘Good Vibes Only’ toward all that we face. Satan uses the promotion of unrealities via propaganda to his advantage to devastate many, to make them feel useless and wrong when they are simply being entirely human, for instance, for experiencing and going through changing emotions and personal ‘bad days’.
The Irony of the ‘Bad Vibes Only’ being mass marketed by those preaching ‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ to all.
The irony is thick in a commercial environment incessantly preaching ‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ to all, especially children. For instance, many branded characters for children regularly push ‘GOOD/KIND VIBES ONLY’ and ‘RISE UP TO KINDNESS’ style mantras in products such as colouring books. Meanwhile they, on behalf of their corporations, are busy aggressivly pushing demonic symbols, demonic vibes, and totalitarian ideology on pre-schoolers’ toys and products.
“…Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the most that is in they brother’s eye.” Luke 6:42 KJV
For instance, here is a link to a Flannel Nightgown for little girls, sold by Walmart (USA).
Barbie Girls Flannel Granny Gown Nightgown Pajamas K228748BB – (last viewed 26th January 2024). The nightgown is printed with countless white pentagrams, a well known symbol of Satan and sorcery. The symbols are hardly visible from a distance. Alongside the pentagrams is the repeated messaging: ‘RISE UP TO KINDNESS’ and ‘GOOD VIBES’.
If only the licenced marketplace characters incessantly preaching ‘GOOD VIBES’ and telling children to ‘RISE UP’ to ‘KINDNESS” would be used to model and promote what is truly kind and good, not dark and demonic! Instead, they appear to gaslight all the children who come into contact with their products. In short, they seek to change those who do NOT have deeply inherent and consistent problems with being good, honest, and kind to others, while ignoring their own profound unkindness. The corporations that print propagandisic and controlling trash for children minds to absorb are the ultimate hypocrites, and those most needing to ‘RISE UP’ to basic decency and kindness.
The ‘Pure’ propagandists and their Accusations Hurled at others
Jacques Ellul wrote in his book Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes:
‘Propaganda by its very nature is an enterprise for perverting the significance of events and of insinuating false intentions…the propagandist must insist on the purity of his own intentions and, at the same time, hurl accusations at his enemy.’
If we feel that marketplace messages and self-righteous corporations are often trying to reshape us, even hurling accusations at us, regarding everything from our level of kindness and goodness to critiquing our individual ‘footprint’ and National global emissions, Ellul’s writing on propaganda can explain why.
Even if one buys into the ‘Good Vibes Only’ propaganda, it is clear who the ultimate offenders are. The virtual factories of continual ‘Bad Vibes’ are the propagandists themselves, with their bad vibe accusations, deceits, and continual manipulations of all via guilt and shame.
Enforced Optimism…. a historic mechanism of silencing, control, cults, and Communism that is now being programmed by many, including questionable clothing lines, and dodgy religious doctrines.
Knowledge of tactics used by those practicing mind control such as cults and totalitarian movements can also enlighten us to what is occuring in an environment enforcing ‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’. In short, the programming of positive only, good vibes only thinking, is a powerful historic mechanism of silencing and social control.
Barbara Ehrenreich has written in her book Bright- Sided: ‘Soviet-style Communism, which we do not usually think of as a cheerful sort of arrangement, exemplified the use of positive thinking as a means of social control.’ The demand for continual optimism has been used to permanently shut down or curtail criticism by those advancing agendas of control. Stalin demanded optimism, and cults have been known to silence anyone who thinks differently, critically, and ‘negatively’. While there is nothing wrong with a positive outlook, and it can have many benefits, it can, and does, become nefarious when enforced to shut down or disallow broader, beneficial critical thinking.
Numerous mechanisms to shut down critical thought are well established today, and they have a history. Many cults have long embraced a ‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ agenda, thereby repressing any ‘bad vibe’ resistance or critique of their practices. Some cults have exercised practices such as communal chanting or ‘humming out’ anyone saying anything negative or objectionable to the cult agenda, ensuring that any form of critique is soon shut down. Such cultic practices represent a form of immediate ‘thought stopping’. In her book titled Dangerous Persuaders, Louise Samways wrote of this process:
‘In cults, ‘thought stopping’ is used as one of the most powerful ways to distract or stop any kind of negative evaluation or criticism of what is happening in the group or the beliefs being expounded. Thought stopping can be achieved by repeating a single word over and over, humming, chanting, meditating, focusing on intense physical activity or ‘talking in tongues’ – anything that makes it impossible for the person performing the action to critically evaluate the situation. Because the process becomes automatic eventually it means it is impossible for someone to think negatively about the group- they stop the thoughts.’
Another book on cult mind control, by Steven Hassan, Combatting Cult Mind Control, also deals with the process of thought stopping. In it we read:
‘Every person in a cult has been programmed to stop all “negative” thought about the leader, the doctrine, or the organization, and has also been indoctrinated to believe that this group is superior to all other groups and different from all other groups.’
In China, The National People’s Congress, the highest organ of state power, apparently enforces positive perspectives and ‘bans bad news’. This occurred in regard to the Sars Virus and again, with a more recent epidemic, where critique was not tolerated. Today, so too do the small propaganda princesses, dolls, and various trolls from the modern toy department expect ‘good vibes only’ and ‘positive thoughts only’ and curtail the development of critical thinking early.
The more overtly occultic brands for children, such as the Belgian children’s clothing label, Caroline Bosmans, which has used pentagrams in their photo shoots, have actually been more honest about a market agenda based on silencing. Caroline Bosmans printed items in their range of children’s clothing with the following words:
The message highlights a powerful control of our time, one that stresses: If you can’t be positive, kind, or have good vibes only, at all times, even if the agendas you are faced with are devilish to the core, especially if this is the case, shut up and be quiet. The bold part of the quotation above is also associated with a well known American televangilist promoting what is commonly called a ‘prosperity gospel’.
The repetitive printing of messages linked with historic thought programming and silencing also appear to reflect a very organized agenda of mass social control and repressive mind indoctination. ‘Be Kind – Don’t Resist My Tyranny’ , ‘Suck Up The Tyranny and Smile’, ‘Your Good Vibes Only, Enable Our Bad Vibes’ would be longer but more appropriate and meaningful slogans. With ‘POSITIVE VIBES ONLY’ and ‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ messages visible everywhere, today’s increasingly closed system of thought control has brought the silencing techniques of the lone cult to culture generally. The demonic pentagram symbolism increasingly printed alongside ‘Good Vibes Only’, ‘Your Kindness has Power’, and ‘Kind Vibes Only’ messaging to children, via common products, and repeatedly being paired with the symbol of the love heart, clearly indicates what unloving and deceptive ‘cult’, and cult leader, we are all dealing with.
‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ – The Religious Implications
Ultimately, the ‘Good Vibes Only’ environment that has been created cultivates minds that repel anything but vacuous personal, and societal, affirmations. A ‘Good Vibes Only’ climate is increasingly antithetical to preaching the gospel, mentioning sin and the need for repentance, and repeating the warnings Jesus gave about hell.
To tell others of the need to be washed in Christ to have eternal life, is to address sin, which most today would consider a ‘Bad Vibe’. Tragically, and ironically, many will likely take the broad path to hell, and experience eternal Bad Vibes, because of their resistant ‘Good Vibes Only’ attitudes that the world has propagated in them and which filter critical messages of truth.
‘Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:’ Matthew 7:13
Verbal and written reminders of Hell are fast becoming censored in the modern world. In this situation, it is primarily the voice of Jesus that is being suppressed.
‘…we owe most of our knowledge about hell to Jesus himself. He was certainly not an average human being, but who would dare call him abnormal? He has been universally acclaimed as sane, balanced and totally integrated. His ethics are acknowledged as the yard-stick for morality. Yet it was he who warned us about hell, and he alone.’ David Pawson, The Road to Hell
Entire church communities are now misled because of non-challenging, seeker sensitive ‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ emotional manipulation and propaganda. It is of the world, not God.
Don’t fall for it yourself, warn others where possible, ‘GOOD VIBES ONLY’ propaganda is a mechanism of control and an extinguisher of critical thinking and genuine faith.
‘The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:’ Numbers 6:24 (KJV)
‘He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love’ 1 John 4:8 KJV
‘My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.’ 1 John 3:18.
‘But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.’ Matthew 16:23.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos