Prepare! Prepare!
January 2, 2021, 3:23 PM
Rosa Alverio
WORD from the LORD
January 2, 2021
Hearken to my voice church!
This year 2021, I will come with a sword and divide the wheat from the tares,the goats from the sheep.
No more straddling the fence, either you are for me or against me? You cannot be both!
Prepare! Prepare!
Get your hearts and minds ready, I will deposit words of knowledge to those who are open.
Enough of naming and claiming. Seek my kingdom and everything will be added to you.
You will see strange things in the heavens. Some will be frightened, but my own know what is coming.
My bride, walk with me, I will hold your hand through all of this calamity. Nothing will harm you.
The persecution will begin this year. I have prepared my martyrs they know who they are.
Remember the blood of the martyrs increase the growth of the church.
Love one another as I love you. If you are of me you will not cause divisions. Only satan is The author of divisions.
Prepare for my coming my bride. Make sure you are without a spot or wrinkle.
Love you my beloved.
Your Lord and Savior.
Rosa Alverio