10/25/24 3:21 PM
October 25, 2024 awoken aprox 5:26am PST
After I spent some time with my Lord in the early hours I went back to sleep and I had a dream.
I will share a short version. I was at home with my family and we hear commotion so I stick my head out the window because there was no screen and I can see in the sky many war jets. At first Im excited because they look awesome than I quickly realize these are enemy jets and simutaelously as I realize they are the enemy I see missiles dropping and fire/destruction on the ground as they land.
Every dream or vision I’ve had the past 3 years of war its always nightime. Its very possible it will be night time while most are asleep when they attack.
When I woke up I asked the Lord “what are you saying to me?” I heard..
Repent of sins daily
Separate ourselves from the ways of this world. (“God says get out oh her my people!” Revelation 18:4)
Seek the Lord with all your hearts, mind and soul!
Share the Good News of Christ Jesus to everyone!
Pray for our lost loved one & neighbors
Stock up on water & food if possible.
I imagine total chaos empty shelves & gas station. Lord is our only help, peace and strength!
Photos courtesy Depositphotos