By Kevin Barrett
March 21, 2017
Prepare for great shakings.
Word from the Father:
My chosen ones, give ear to Me this day and hear what I would say to you.
Many of you think that this time of reprieve will be a time of ease. I declare to you that it shall not be. For even though I have temporarily spared your country, the United States, judgment is still upon you. Howbeit, this judgment shall not be as severe as it could have been due to the prayers of My people. So hear Me when I say to you to get your house in order.
I do not say this as though your life on earth is ending. Yet, I say this because your life remaining in this world’s fallen system shall be greatly shaken. Does My word not declare that in the last days I shall shake all that can be shaken so that what cannot be shaken shall remain? So then, any ties or part you have in this world’s system that has not been ordained by My Spirit shall be shaken. This includes jobs, ministries, businesses, property, etc.
It’s not that these things in and of themselves are bad. For as along as you are still in the earth realm, you must work and have your livelihood within it. Yet, what I am portraying to you is that anything you have acquired apart from My Spirit shall be shaken.
Do not lose heart over this, for surely I shall protect and provide for those who are Mine. Howbeit, I say to each of you to lay down your self-wills upon the altar of sacrifice and turn everything over to me. And as you do this, I shall arrange and rearrange each of your lives so that you are fully established in My perfect will.
If you would do this, it shall go much easier for you in the short days ahead. For I tell you the truth, anything that you hold onto by the flesh shall be ripped from you. Thus, I am attempting to spare you all from this.
Soon the shakings shall be evident for all to recognize. For even though the shakings have already begun, not everyone has been aware of it. Yet, I tell you that soon the shakings shall affect all who have a part in the world’s system outside of My will.
So then, when I say get your house in order, give all that you have unto Me, including your job or business. I do not say to you all to give everything away or quit your jobs. No, what I am saying is to simply give everything over to Me in your heart and do not have any fleshly ties to anything. And as you do this, I will speak to each of you in what I desire for you to do.
For some of you, I may tell you to sell or give away your home or other assets. For others, I may tell you to leave your job and wait on Me for what do next.
Do not be grieved over any of this. I tell you this for your own good. For what would you consider to be best, to let go of things freely of your own will and rest in My provision, or to lose them while they are still dear to your flesh or relied upon for your livelihood? I tell you, it will go much easier for each of you if you would heed My instructions in this. For the shakings have already begun and will only grow in intensity.
So then, heed this word of Mine and it shall go much smoother for you. As your loving heavenly Father, I care for each of you down to the smallest detail of your lives. And so I exhort you all to heed My instructions in this so it will be much easier for you. For I tell you the truth, anything you lose in this shaking shall cause more difficulty in your life than if you would have just given it over to Me first.
I love My children and care for each one. This is why I share this with you and not with those of the world. For those of the world shall be confounded at My shakings while I desire for My own to be at peace and resting in Me. Therefore, heed My instructions that you may be at peace and rest in the coming shakings. Christ,
Kevin Barrett