Prepare, Word

prepare, bad times ahead – Lady Aribeth

prepare, bad times ahead

Dec 17, 2019 6:57 AM
Lady Aribeth


Short and sweet, this is to the native people here in my town and to the natives in the us. “prepare, bad times ahead’. Get into your sweat lodges and seek out G_d, whom you call the Creator and the Holy Spirit, who you call the Great Spirit about this. Also get in words ‘the elders know‘?

Then there is next a remembrance of the baby rat that was on my bed, by my feet last night. It took off in a big hurry when I moved my feet in the sleeping bag. Why I am reme,bering this I don’t know. But as I laid in bed this morning, not wanting to get up cos it was relly cosy in bed, the words kept repeating. Go tell my people, the repeatedly hearing...’prepare, bad times ahead. Seek Me out!’

Ok, please discern via the Holy Spirit. Just a sleepy messenger this morning. time 7:53 am.
Dec 17, 2019


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