
Prayers Through Prophesy, Now Being Released! – Pamela G.

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Prayers Through Prophesy, Now Being Released!

9/14/24 1:21 PM
Pamela G.
Intercessory and Imprecatory Prayers

September 11, 2024

These prayers have been written in response to the word of the Lord, which was released here at 444 Prophecy News on September 4, 2024, titled Coming Changes: I Give You My Charges!

I have received further instruction from the Holy Spirit to release these specific prayers for the body of Christ to be lifting in intercession during this fall season.

Feel free to share these prayers as you are led along with the word of the Lord that was given to other prayer warriors and intercessors.

Time is of the essence in bringing our requests before the Lord in His throne room where He will decree His responses. The prayers we pray as a body in faith and unity have great power in defeating the devils plans and destroying his strongholds over people, regions, and nations!

So please join together with us in prayer in following the Lord’s charges!

1) Pray for strength and wisdom from the Lord to navigate our lives and His church as a testimony to Jesus Christ as many more changes come about in our world.

2) Pray that the judgments God releases upon evil and corrupt people, cities, regions and countries will bring people to repentance.

3) Pray that the natural disasters that God sends as a form of judgment against people and nations will humble the people and cause them to repent of their sins.
Pray that God will protect all those that belong to Him in the midst of these judgements as well and move them out of harms way.

4) Pray that all will repent; both believers and unbelievers and that the prodicals especially will come back to Jesus and be restored to a right relationship with Him.

5) Pray that America who has lived under abundant grace from the Lord for such a long time, in response will boldly stand up against the evil that is happening around us, expose this darkness and lead people to salvation in Christ.

6) Pray that the church will be uncompromising and will walk in truth, holiness and obedience to the word of the Lord, His scriptures by keeping His statues and commandments.

7) Pray that believers will fear(revere) the Lord and have humble hearts and willing spirits to hear and obey the Him.

8) Pray that believers will crucify their flesh and ask to be filled with more and more of the Holy Spirit so that they might be empowered with His gifts and accomplish the works of God’s kingdom.

9) Pray that believers will seek God first and foremost in their lives in everything, conforming themselves more to the image of Christ.
Pray for His wisdom and guidance to provide for them and lead their families through trials and tribulations by faith now and in future days as the world grows darker.

Specific Charges in Prayer

Prayer Charge #1
Pray Specifically Against the Following things:
1) Abortion to be stopped and eradicated from our nation!
2) Human and Sex trafficking of children, young people and adults to be exposed and for victims to be set free.
3) Satanic ritual abuse, sacrifice and cannalbalism of people of all ages to be discovered and brought to justice!
4) Sale of aborted fetal tissue/body parts being put in food, medicines, cosmetics, fertilizers and other products to be exposed and stopped.
5) Promotion of gender confusion, genital reassignment surgeries, Homosexuality and LBGTQ agendas to be exposed for their lies and challenged in our courts.
6) Transhumanism – creation of humanity 2.0 thru genetic tampering to be exposed and prevented from moving forward.
7) Disregard for parental rights and the break down of marriages and the family to be exposed, healed, and supported by the church and by the laws of our government.
8) Pray for salvation, healing and deliverance in Jesus name for the victims and the perpetrators of these grevious actions named above.

Prayer Charge #2
Pray as you go in groups to your local towns, cities and state houses. Plead the blood of Jesus and ask for the forgiveness of the sins of the leaders and their courts and legislatures.

Pray over the land and people in these areas whose lives have been effected by their sinful actions.

Prayer Charge #3
“Pray to use Praise” as a weapon of your warfare against the dark side.

Pray that groups will assemble together to sing spiritual warfare songs and songs of worship and praise in these same places to break the strongholds of the enemy, just as Joshua, the priests and the people were led to march around the walls of the city of Jericho to destroy it.

Pray that the Lord will restore what the enemy has stolen from His people!

Charge #4
Pray Imprecatory Prayers Against Your Enemies!
An imprecatory prayer is a prayer that invokes evil or curses upon one’s enemies or those perceived as enemies of God. The word “imprecate” means “to invoke evil upon or curse”.

Some examples of imprecatory prayers include:

Psalm 35:6
“May their path be dark and slippery, with the angel of the LORD pursuing them”

Psalm 58:6
“O God, break the teeth in their mouths; tear out the fangs of the young lions, O LORD!”

Psalm 69:24
“Pour out Your indignation on them, and let Your burning anger overtake them”

Some say that imprecatory prayers are a necessary part of the church’s communion with God. They can shape the body of Christ for healing, virtue, and witness. Others say that when we are wronged, we should leave the ultimate outcome to the Lord.

Pray also that chaos and destruction will enter the camp of the enemy, creating a state of confusion in order to prevent them from bringing their wicked schemes and plans to pass!

Pray also that those who are willing, turn their hearts in repentance to Jesus as they witness the hand of God moving.

Prayer Charge #5
Pray for the body of Christ to stand strong together and to be unified in Jesus name so that together we might accomplish the work and will of Christ in the earth.

*Continue to seek the Lord and the prompting of the Holy Spirit and pray daily for anything He puts on your heart to take into the throne room!

*Let’s keep praying faithfully and rejoice in the Lord as we witness His answers to our prayers!

If you have an intercessory prayer concern or a personal request that you would like prayer for, please feel free to email them to me and my prayer team and I will lift them to the Lord! God Bless!

Pamela G.


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