Prayer Request

Prayer Request- Handmaid of the Most High

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Prayer Request

12/21/24 3:44 AM
Handmaid of the Most High

Dear 444 Prophecy News Readers,

Greetings in the Name of Our Great Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

1. Four months have passed since I communicated some health issues and other pressing challenges for which I requested prayer. THANK-YOU for all who have prayed for me, and continue to include me in their daily prayers — they are life changing! I can say with all sincerity that I would not still be here, were it not for your prayers. God reigns! I covet your prayers and ask that you periodically lift the following requests to our Lord.

2. Faulty repairs performed last summer on my 22 year old Honda Civic cause me frustration and expense. This year I’ve spent more than $3,200 as my odometer just passed 150K miles. Despite its age and condition, it is still reliable transportation. I pray that I can operate it for 3-5 more years since I can’t afford a replacement. Please pray that God continues to sustain my Honda, and that I will be able to drive safely to errands and appointments.

3. Physical activity remains daunting for me. My back issues have worsened in 2024. Last summer my doctors declined my request for any further surgeries, so I’ve been forced to consider other medical interventions. This has required a total of 11 MRI’s over the past 6 months. According to my pain doctor, none of the proposed options will fix the problems entirely or alleviate all pain. Plus, I am very limited in being able to take medications. Please pray that God will heal my back and neck issues; otherwise, that He would guide me on how to proceed in improving my spinal health.

4. My left knee has been degenerating for the past 20 years to the point where now it is a challenge to even move my leg. For 2 years I have been receiving costly, painful injections every six months as a stop gap. Knee replacement is not an option due to age and severity. In a recent consultation with one of the local premier knee surgeons, the only viable course of treatment he could suggest was perhaps treatment at the Mayo Clinic. Please pray that the Lord would guide me in finding the right treatment for my knee.

5. I have now been bedridden for 6 years. At times, I experience such intense pain that even using the bathroom is a challenge. I require assistance in doing simple tasks such as mopping, vacuuming, changing sheets or doing laundry. Driving even a few miles is exceedingly painful, walking in a grocery store is a struggle. Many days I can’t even wash dishes. Showering is a luxury as the required movements are so painful that they take my breath away. Please pray that God would provide me with physical relief from my intense pain.

6. I have a chronic autoimmune disease (ankylosing spondylitis) which attacks my joints and bones, impacting both shoulders. I will spare you the considerable history. Please pray for lasting relief or healing in my shoulders.

7. Medical care remains my number one expense, consuming 75% of my monthly income. When I can afford it, I pay someone to come in and mop my floors, clean my bathrooms, change my sheets and do laundry. Which is also another cost. Other needs are delayed indefinitely. Please pray that the Lord of the Harvest will increase my monthly income to match my needs.

8. Recently, I was led to a very important “Root Cause” video on YT. I wrote about this in a recent 444 post (12/18/24) entitled “The Hidden Health Crisis –This Information May Change Your Life or Someone You Love “. The video explores the dire health impact dental root canals can have on recipients, often years after the procedure. The testimony of one man, in particular, mirrors my own personal journey over the past 40 years! He attempted 35 different remedies unsuccessfully before someone suggested a root canal reversal. Again, this matches my own life experiences very closely.

When I consider the sum total of my more than a dozen car accidents, injuries, diseases, conditions, and treatments, I believe the information contained in this video is the answer to many, many prayers! I will spare you all the medical history, science, and personal investigation I have undertaken. The Holy Spirit has very recently shown me what must be done to heal. A recent consultation with a dental specialist has revealed that I have 5 infected areas involving 9 teeth, which cause many of the severe, major medical issues that I suffer from. Applying this medical information to my own situation potentially represents a series of the greatest medical breakthroughs I could ever hope to experience!

The estimated cost for the required dental procedures is $15,100. Please pray that God would quickly provide the necessary funds; that the procedures would be performed perfectly, and that they would achieve the desired outcomes. I know that this is a big ask, but I sense God leading me to a very great series of healings so that I might be equipped for further service in these Last Days!

9. I left the “Il-lum-i-naughty” 35 years ago when I got saved. My personal testimony is contained in other 444 posts. Due to the ongoing harassment and interference by my stalkers, I have no family or neighbors to turn to for assistance. Recently one local reader reached out to me, but phone calls are mostly blocked by the elites who harass me. Michael M., if you are reading this please just stop by on a weekend afternoon – I cannot reach you. Likewise, my snail mail has been spotty. Recently a supporter’s check was stolen and cashed –I received an empty envelope in my mailbox. Judith P., I have emailed, phoned and written you, but have not received a response (if you sent one). Thus, if anyone would like to give a gift or contribute to my medical expenses or otherwise reach me (I am happy to receive your prayer requests), please contact the webmaster, Jonathan, for a new address which should be a secure way of reaching me.

Saints, thank you for your prayers! May God richly bless you for your kindness and generosity!


Handmaid of the Most High


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