Prayer request for New Zealand: Oppression shall cease
November 29, 2020 2:59 AM
Ruth Esther
29th November 2020
I was praying and annoyed that Jacinda had got in and the oppression that was coming from her and this government and then out of nowhere I said ” oppression shall cease” (a bible verse) and I believe that is what God is saying to New Zealand . Declare speak it into the heavenlies declare God’s will this is not a time to stay silent ( example the book of Esther) pray, bind up, worship , do our best to lead this nation back to Jesus.
This is God’s will in the Father .
Have you noticed on election night it was very oppressive? You know the media was manipulated to favor Jacinda ?
Did you notice that when Jacinda Ardern was voted in that night and from then on it was more oppressive in New Zealand ?
This is not God’s will. Do you think that God wants New Zealand to be oppressed?
We’ve seen what God has prophesied for America for Trump.
Do you think God can do the same in New Zealand? We need to stand for Aoteroa and fight for God’s will not let evil politicians have their way appointing first openly gay politicians.
That’s disgusting to God. He hates it. Stand for NewZealand, stand for God. Jesus wants to his way in New Zealand and the nations of the earth. His earth.
God can do it , question is do you believe him? Will we act upon it, it’s the last hour and Jesus is about to return. We need to do something . Jesus have your way in this Nation .
Call us to repentance. Your will be done not ours .
Why am I in my 30s and and saying this?
When older men and women of God in New Zealand are silent , and are doing nothing? This should not be. Don’t let evil win in New Zealand we overcome evil with good.
Wheres our stand for the right wing National party? Where’s our prophetic worship prophesying praying over Judith Colin’s? Where’s our Christian alternative media in THIS country taking a stand for righteousness,God’s righteousness.
Will you obey ? Will you act?
Come on this is a call to prayer God gave me dreams about Judith Colin’s for a reason one of them was she had a cross around her neck.
Forget the ” Is she a true Christian? ”
We need to support National. And then I’ d see in the media what I saw in the dream (2020
around the time she was newly selected to be leader of the National Party) her having a cross around her neck in a photo.
Do you think that’s by chance?
Do you think that’s a game?
No! God wants RIGHTEOUSNESS to exalt this nation not sin. Please we all need to repent and pray in Jesus Name. Let God have his way not Satan’s.