Saturday, October 12, 2019
Julie Whedbee
We humbly come before Your Throne to intercede for all those who are underpriviledged, all those who are sick and suffering and have no one to pray or intercede for them. We lift up to You all those in hospitals, nursing homes, hospice care; all those mentally or physically impaired or disabled; all those with autism or down’s syndrome, those with alzheimers disease, dementia; those with multiple personality disorder, schizophrenia, or insanity and are not in their right minds; all those contemplating suicide and all those under the influence of drugs and alcohol that have lost their way; all those imprisoned and alone before you in their infirmities and suffering; we lift up every orphan and abused child, and every unborn child in the womb. We pray that You would send Your warrior angels to protect every one of these precious souls, every hour of the day and night. We cover them with Your holy and precious blood and ask that You would minister to their hurts, needs, pains and infirmities, strengthening them in You in every way. Protect all those who are in any type of facility or care where they are completely dependent on the help from others, whether it be staff or outside family members or friends. We ask that Your ministering spirits would pray and speak scripture over these, Your children, day and night continually so that they are always under Your protective covering. Please Father hear our prayers and break the demonic strongholds in the lives of those mentioned that are suffering these things due to demonic influence. Insulate them Father if they are not able to pray for themselves, covering them with the full armor of Yahuah and protecting them from all assaults of the enemy no matter what form these attacks may come in. We ask this in Your most powerful name Yahushua.
Amen and amen.
Original article can be found here