Prayer and Wisdom, God’s Healing Creation
November 12, 2021 9:41 PM
Michelle Katherine Orts
Friday, November, 12th, 2021 8:40PM CST
Dear PRECIOUS SAINTS, Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus Our Lord God in the flesh,
In the Bible, Luke was a Physician. Luke was also a disciple of Jesus. I personally believe that he remained both even after witnessing healing by Jesus The Master Physician. I believe in both, the power of prayer for healing and in practical Wisdom, given by Creator God for healing our physical ailments also.
If you or your loved ones, close friends or neighbors, are ill with symptoms of the “China Flu” please research the Zelenko Protocol, reach out to Frontline Doctors, and use ONLY small, family owned Pharmacies, to fill RX for Ivermectin, Hydroxy-chloriquine and other prescriptions.
All EFFECTIVE Prescriptions that seemingly threaten the profitability of Big Pharma and the control by 3 Letter Alpha_Bet Agencies Etc, are hard to come by.
Please…STOCK UP on Vitamin C, D3, Quercetin, Zinc among other essential vitamins. Believe it or not, contained in raw tobacco, the natural nicotine is an effective remedy and prophylaxis against SARS-2 Coronavirus, and NOONE will tell you because the Big COs are bought out by big Law and Big $$$ Power. But ANYTHING that is an anti parasitic agent, herbal from plants, roots, trees, etc is likely to be helpful and curative against MANY so called incurable viruses and even cancers.
WHY hasn’t the world’s population heard about these truths and other solutions? Because these natural God given agents which Creator God designed can not be patented in their natural state.
Please use caution in taking alternative remedies because some herbs are very toxic in high quantities. ALL pharmaceutical drugs are initially derived from nature before being synthesized, plagarized and manipulated by man with nefarious or even well-meaning intentions.
Seek God’s True Wisdom which comes only from Yeshua and His Holy Spirit.
Do your own due dilegence before proceeding with any treatment. I personally do NOT, at this point, trust in ANY corporate, establishment medical institutions as they are being guided by anti-Christ and One World Order guidelines. Those aligned with The Fallen are Satanic Luciferians and their unified goal is to destroy God’s Image from the face of the earth. This includes abortion, infection and injections of lethal substances which lead to, not only physical death but also to spiritual death. The mRNA vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and other various, unknown to the public, projects are underway to attack humanity now and in the future.
How do I know these things?
Read Amos 3:7
But as for and my household we shall serve and trust in Creator God Jesus at all times. We pray Mercy for those in our own family and in our Forever Family (The Body of Christ) who have already taken one or more damaging injection or harmful protocol. May Jesus heal and deliver all who have been afflcted or subjected to any ungodly substance or influence.
Jesus’ Holy Blood is able to heal, deliver and save all who ask. Yeshua Ha Mashiach, Jesus Our Great Physician, has already provided healing for all nations in His Creation, including the Trees which the globalists suddenly want to destroy with mass burials.-In Christ Jesus’ Agape Love and in King Jesus’ Service, Michelle Katherine Orts aka TurtleDove and wife to husband Reverend David Orts