Pray with a fervent heart
October 8, 2022
Patti Young
I began to hear the Lord speak.
” The scales are not removed from mans eyes. Pray for them to “see”, for this is not the season to be blind.
Much is occurring within the earth, in the natural and in the spiritual realm. The time is short to lead men unto repentance. With great sorrow I see what is coming ahead, what is soon to come upon mankind.
In earnest I say to pray, pray with a fervent heart for many souls will enter into eternity without me.
PRAY for the lost souls of men, PRAY for the households who do not know me, repent, repent, repent I say, for the day of redemption draws nigh.
The day comes I shall gather my own unto me and the lost shall go into eternal damnation, the sinners, the unjust, the wicked.
Pray for the many who are lost that by my spirit I shall draw them unto me for I desire that none should perish.
Harden not your hearts oh mankind, for the hour you thinketh not it shall all come upon you, repent again I say for the hour is short.
Pray I say unto my own, pray for the salvation of souls.
Original article can be found here
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