Pray, Pray, Pray Unceasingly To Mitigate The Judgments!
May 11, 2020 11:00 PM
This message was given 5.10.20. There are judgments mentioned here that appeared to be in the form of a list. As I looked it over, I thought about a recent article I had read by Latterrain333 tited ‘11:11 Double Judgment Prophecies‘ (posted 5.8.2020 on this site) and wondered if the judgments I had been given were also contained in her extensive list of judgments. As I read her post I was surprised to see quite a few similarities. I felt led to notate the corresponding numbers from her list of judgments onto mine.
I believe the Holy Spirit is pointing us to Latterrain333’s very serious message from Jesus about the coming judgments and to the message I was given to pray to mitigate the effects of these judgments. As further confirmation, this morning I went to ‘Logos’ a christian book store. As I was looking around the anointing oils section, I came across a bottle of anointing oil put out by The name of the fragrance? ‘Latter Rain’. The message follows.
Daughter pray, pray, pray unceasingly – for prayer is the ONLY thing that can mitigate the effects of the coming judgments upon your earth. For the judgments have been set forth and will be meted out to your world, especially the nation of America who has betrayed Me – who was once her first love. SOUND THE TRUMPET! SOUND THE ALARM – for IT is coming! Tribulation comes, bringing persecution, the downfall of this nation and unprecedented suffering.
Famine will bring lack. (#3 Beginnings of Famine) Loss of jobs will lead many to take their lives sadly – where they will call out to Me from the pit of hell. (#2 Beginning of an Economic collapse) Nuclear fallout. Radiation emissions. (#33 Radiation) Loss of civil liberty. Institution of martial law. Rise of corruption in your government. The rise of the beast and his mark. The falling away of My church. The judgments that will come upon the church. (#4 Judgment on the churches {they are being shut down}) The incoming asteroids, comets. (#25 Asteroids) The darkening of the sun, moon and stars. (#23 Nibiru (Planet X)) The entry of intergalactic beings – namely the fallen ones. (#16 Alien deception) Their progeny the Nephilim – the Giants of old who will return to rule and terrify the earth. (#34 Nephilim/Fallen angels). The return of the Hybrids – the monsters of old resurrected in new ways. The rise of the zombies. (#28 Zombies of the Apocalypse) The beast system implemented. (#30 Cannot buy or sell) The fall of the economy of America. (#2 Complete economic Collapse) Strife and division between father and son, mother and daughter, neighbor against neighbor. (#17 Brother against brother {civil war}) Pervasive lies your government has used against you for the manipulation and control of the masses.
Many will experience persecution unrivaled. (#15 Great persecution in America) But so too will my children, my Army rise up to take on and battle the enemy through the power of My written Word – the Sword of the Spirit. Continue to lift your voices and hearts in prayer for the unsaved, the lost, the forsaken, the widow, the children, those aborted (even after birth), for the suicidal and depressed. Many cry out – but not to Me! I depend on the prayers of the saints to offset the judgments and to intercede on the behalf of these desperate souls. There is no one to pray for them for much of the world is gripped by fear, paralyzed by the thought of perishing. Let him who has ears come to Me! Pray children – with every fiber of your being – for the Harvest is plentiful but the laborers are far and few. Amen. Amen.
Heed My word. Be obedient to My call for I stand at the door and knock. Open your heart to Me and I will come in and dine with you. I will shelter you under My wings, I will be your safe haven. Stay close children. I am the narrow gate. I will protect, I will lead and guide you to safety. Abide in Me, commune with Me. Only those who KNOW Me will I protect. Come to Me in the secret place of the Most High where I abide. Love all I send to you, even the unlovable. Remember I died to save all mankind – even though many will reject Me through you. Hurry children while it is still daylight for darkness looms on the horizon! Be grafted into the vine and there you will find the peace and safety you desire.
In the coming days many will desire a way out of this life. But the only way through the tribuation is through Me – your Savior Yeshua. I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. NO ONE I repeat – no one comes to the Father but through Me. All else are liars and counterfeiters. I go now My children to prepare a place at the supper table for My sheep, My little lambs. Come children, come close before the door closes and the darkness descends.
Your Savior
Your Messiah
Your beloved Bridegroom
Yeshua Hamaschiah
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