Krystal Beall
April, 17 2019
How I grieve. I grieve. The darkness increases as evil runs rampant throughout the earth. Few are they who take notice, who are concerned. I weep bitterly tears of agony and sorrow by that which I continually behold before me. I relive my passion without cease as the miry pit enlarges and man falls further and further away from me. What more shall I say to you generation? Repent, return to me was, is my cry. My calls fall upon deaf ears and hearts of stone. Beguiled by the god of this world, man seeks that which is apart from me and is content. Content as I weep. Unconcerned as I call. Truly I tell you a great suffering is coming, lo is here. A suffering man has never witnessed nor will again. The earth will shake with tremendous force washing away many men. The fire coming will purge man and field alike. Vengance is mine. I will repay. I will fully recompense all evil and eridacte sin from before me. The sin is a stentch unto my nostrils and causes me to vomit. Godlessness abounds. The darkness grows thicker and thicker causing many men to stumble, fall prey to captivity and be led to the slaughter. I AM not mocked. I AM grieved and from my grief comes my anger. You have wearied me, the LORD. Yes you have wearied me with your words. Woe to all who call evil good and good evil. Woe. I have grown weary. I strike the earth in my anger. I AM angry. I mourn. The blood cries out from the soil. As I called out to Adam, and Eve, I call today, now…where art thou? Come before me. Stand. I question thee, what have you done? I know what thou hast done. I see all. I hear all. I know all. Since you have refused me, disobedience shall cost you greatly. Many shall mourn. Lamentations shall abound. I shall turn my face and not hear. You will know…I AM the LORD. Pray my beloved faithful. Pray for sorrow shall abound. Pray for darkness thickens as it did when I died upon the cross. Pray for my heart is continually pierced and your God mourns. Pray for my judgement is here and my justice is rendered to a generation who has hated and rejected me. Pray for famine grips tightly. Pray for great change has come. I have loved you with an everlasting love, yeah with kindness have I drawn thee. For surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and you shall dwell in my house, the house of your LORD forever. My appearing is nigh, love has come. Great darkness. Great glory. My glory. Be still and know I AM God. I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. I AM the LORD that is my name: and my glory I will not give to another neither my praise to graven images. Behold I come quickly. What I say unto you, I say unto all…Keep watch.