Pray For Discernment
October 3, 2022 7:11 PM
Angela García
Know that I truly AM the ONLY way, truth and everlasting life ♥️
There is no other
Walk the walk! Know my ways are higher
Rcv’d 10/2
Pray for discernment
I will pour down blessings as well as judgment which cup did they decide to accept?! Did they really choose me? I call my chosen generation to awaken NOW is that hour. KNOW I AM truly the way, truth and life there is no other God! Not all gods lead to eternal bliss but to the pit of hell. Who do they seek? Ask them AM I on their mind or this world?! Choose NOW time is running out and not all will make it in. Being deceived they missed their calling and became the harvest. Choose now who you will choose the world or the one true Messiah
Jesus the Christ
Yeshua Hamashiach
The Great I AM
Leviticus 26
1 Peter 2:9, John 14:6
Joshua 24:15
Isaiah 55:8-9
1 Corinthians 8:6
Photos courtesy Depositphotos