
Praise the LORD, Oh Bride! – Rachel Adamus

Praise the LORD, Oh Bride! – Rachel Adamus

Psalm 150:
Praise the LORD!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens!
Praise him for his mighty deeds;
praise him according to his excellent greatness!
Praise him with trumpet sound;
praise him with lute and harp!
Praise him with tambourine and dance;
praise him with strings and pipe!
Praise him with sounding cymbals;
praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD!
I had a very exhausting day and was ready to hit the bed at 10:30 p.m. when I heard in my spirit to write. I asked the Lord, “Oh Lord, you know how very tired I am. Please will you wake me in the middle of the night to write so I can sleep some first? And please will you give me a dream to help me with the content?” “Granted,” He said. Before I awoke to write this, I know I was dreaming about the Lord and His coming, but I don’t remember any details. The one detail I remember is waking up thinking, Psalm 150.
So now, Lord, I ask, what do you want me to write?
My daughter, I have loved you with an everlasting love. Your obedience to me is a sweet-smelling savor on the offering of sacrifice. I know that you have sacrificed much sleep these days to obey my voice. The time we are in intensifies, and the weariness of the battle is almost over. My daughter, all of my saints–my Bride–have been polishing the armor and fiercely fending off the foe. They have been seeking to obey me to their own harm. They have been searching for me as for gold and yearning for me as a Bride yearns for her Bridegroom. You will not be disappointed! The time is at hand! Look around you–you see all the events of my Holy Word unfolding at an alarming pace now. The enemy is poised to spring on my holy people and the devil has drawn up his battle plans. He is in place and has all his minions in place for their show. Yes, it is but a show, for they will have no power over any of my holy ones. All who have stood up to Him and have lived holy lives to their great hurt on this earth will conquer! Oh, my bride, do not be discouraged. I know you see the signs shouting at you, and you keep asking, “When, when, when?” Oh my bride, sooner than you think! Oh Lord, I don’t understand why you say, “sooner than you think” when continually I anticipate your return. My daughter, many of my Bride do not anticipate my return with the kind of faith I desire. They say, “Soon, soon” and “Now, now,” but they continue to live their normal daily lives as if I were not actually going to come at that moment. Lord, how would you, then, call your Bride to live now? My daughter, I have loved you and my Bride with an everlasting love. Love me back with the depth of everlasting love. Breath me, speak of me, think of me, meditate on me, study my Word, talk about me along the way and when you get up and when you lie down. Continually speak to me of what I am doing. Never weary of making me your food and drink. Even in the earthly things you must do, make it your talk, your walk, your every-moment endeavor to cherish me. Live Psalm 150. Praise me with all your being. Never let yourself grumble. Remember my promises to you–to judge the world with equity and the peoples with truth. I know you live in dark days–darker than ever before–but see the glory of my light still around you. Enjoy the things that I have made; find the mercies in difficulty; make merry in your heart for the hope to which you have been called. Do not despair. It is your constant praise before me that sets you apart. The world grumbles, complains, curses me for every little thing that they think is not right, but you, my beloved Bride, find me all-glorious. You look upon my mercies and praise me. What a sweet-smelling savor that is to my heart. What a sacrifice of praise! I delight in you, my Bride and I desire to fondle you. Soon, no one will keep us apart. I love you, my darling, my Bride. Never doubt–I am at the door!


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