June 7, 2021
Victoria Ang
First I want to thank every person that took the time to pray for the spider bite I sustained.( Either a brown recluse or black widow )
As many of you know I sustained a very serious spider bite on 6/5/21
( In case some of you do not know I am an RN that worked ER and ICU until God told me to quit my job and go into one on one training with Him ,and He would provide for me. So I do not have medical insurance. And limited funds with no income.But I have much better. GOD INSURANCE and NO fear)
I tried to initially treat the spider bite with an antibiotic on hand ,and put drawing salve , ice , Tylenol and benedryl. However in a very short period of time I saw the bite was spreading up my arm and getting very red. Entering the blood stream.
So I knew I needed much stronger antibiotics ,RIGHT AWAY .On a SATURDAY NIGHT I called around to see what it would cost for ER visit. And a few clincs that would soon close. The ER stated the cost would be thousands of dollars. The other clinics said they would not treat due to the severity of the situation and I needed to go to an ER. To get I.V. Antibiotics.
I finally found a clinic that was 20 minutes away and they would be closing in 30 minutes . I rushed there and was seen by an MD that prescribed several potent antibiotics. But also said I should go to ER.The red line up my arm was rapidly spreading and by now was up under my arm by shoulder.Next the prescriptions needed to be filled. Most pharmacies were closing but I found one 15 minutes away and they too would be closing in 30 minutes.All the while praying in the Spirit.
When I arrived at the pharmacy the pharmacist had the cash register drawer on the table. Getting prepared to leave.
I got the prescriptions filled.
I started right away ,on the antibiotics at home.And received a vision ….
In the vision I saw all the prayers being said for me,being carried to heaven by carrier pigeons . Coming in from every direction. As they entered heaven there was a pitcher there waiting. The prayers were then turned to liquid gold. And emptied into the pitcher . The pitcher was filling up fast from all the prayers.Then I saw the liquid gold turned into the blood of Jesus. The Lord took the pitcher and poured the blood into my veins. Driving out the toxins and bacteria the enemy was trying to take me out with ,to destroy me.
So I am on the road to full recovery. ALL GLORY AND HONOR TO GOD!!!The intense pain and swelling has improved. The red line can barely be seen. And I am feeling so much better!!!………
WE SERVE AN AWESOME GOD!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍
The pictures are what it looked like initially
Original article can be found here