Warning, Dream, Prepare, Word

Power Grids and Lights Out – Suzanna Noel


Power Grids and Lights Out

October 29, 2021
Suzanna Noel



Auto Generated Transcript

a pleasant good afternoon to all of my
brothers and sisters i greet you in the
name of jesus christ
yeshua hamashiach
our lord and savior who is worthy to be
praised honor and glory is his wonderful
name isaiah 55 10 11 tells us for as the
rain comes down
and the snow from heaven and return not
but water the earth and make it bring
forth and bud that it may give seed to
the sower and bread to the eater
so shall the word of the lord go forth
out of his mouth it shall not return
unto him void but it shall accomplish
that which he please and it shall
prosper in the thing
where the lord said

my brothers and sisters i have a
cup of prophetic word and uh two dreams
that i would like to share with you
on october the 17th 2021 i heard in the
there will be no lights
power grid will go down
no electricity no electronics please
once again my brothers and sisters on
october 17 2021 i heard in the spirit
there will be no lights
power grid will go down
no electricity no electronics please
and on july 2021 i had a dream where um
one of my sister called me and told me
there is no electricity anywhere
telephone lines are not working and no
one can make phone calls to their family
she also told me that telco is down and
a storm is coming
so that’s a confirmation
i got a dream first and then i got the
word in the spirit so that’s a
confirmation that lights are going to go
also my brothers and sisters the lord
gave me one ten and three three three
nine 110 means deathlessness in greek
um and in greek it also means
immortality and three two three nine
means to be transformed and change
so the lord is telling us right that
we’re going to be changed and
transformed very soon his bride
we don’t know when the date is but we
know very soon
we have to remember that the lord timing
is not our timing
okay so
this is a dream
my brothers and sisters the obama family
is relocating
i do not know where they are but
according to the dream that i receive
i believe it was uh a week ago
i saw
michelle obama
and her two daughters sasha and malaya
they were rushing away
the mother michelle obama seemed to be
quite disturbed by something based on my
observation of her big
her behavior in the dream
she spoke to her two daughters
aggressively telling them
to stop delaying
sasha and malaya was driving an suv
while michelle obama was driving an oral
in the rear seat of both vehicles i saw
things covered with sheets
michelle acted very nervous but also
they were going back and forth
the dream ended
okay um the lord had given me a
continuation of that dream but honestly
my brothers and sisters i cannot
remember it
all right so
in the spirit
um and this is for the month of october
in the spirit the law told me that
america will burn twice
this is very important my brothers and
sisters the lord said that we that we
must listen to the voice of the holy
my brothers and sisters very soon there
would be no more youtubers
there would not be anyone
to talk to us and give us any
prophetic messages and so we have to
rely on the holy spirit
so now is the time for you to really
listen for the holy spirit because the
lord said
that we must listen to the voice of the
holy spirit so please seek the lord
and try to hear his voice
stay still
and pray to the lord and ask him to come
into your heart my brothers and sisters
okay but we must follow the leaden of
the holy spirit
also the lord gave me a dream that the
holiday inn collapsed
i don’t know if it was an earthquake i
cannot remember what it was
but uh the holiday inn collapsed and
then i heard a voice said
when you see all these things are
happening know that jesus is at the door
once again my brothers and sisters the
holiday inn collapsed and after the
collapsing of the holiday inn i heard
when you see all these things are
happening know that jesus is at the door
this is a very serious warning
i also heard in the spirits
puerto rico
alabama puerto rico louisiana i don’t
know why i believe that something is
going to happen in alabama puerto rico
and louisiana so let us pray for those
three states
the lord also showed me and this is very
important my brothers and sisters
i saw in writing
get ready yeshua is returning soon and i
was given the number four seven again i
saw in bold writing get ready yeshua is
returning soon
but the number 47 was given to me
also my brothers and sisters the lord
said all of my children must come to me
give the father thanks
now my brothers and sisters the lord
don’t have to tell us to give him thanks
we are so unthankful and so ungrateful
we do not need the lord to tell us to
give him thanks we should be giving the
thanks we should be giving the lord
tongues every day from the moment we
wake up from our sleep until we go back
to sleep at night we should be praising
and giving the lord honor and glory when
we are driving our car we should be
giving them praise when we are leaving
when we turn back from our jobs or
wherever we want to we should be giving
the lord
prayers and tanks
and you know the lord wants all his
children to come to him my brothers and
sisters for those of you who call
yourself christians who say that you
love the lord who say that you go to
please the lord wants you to come to him
seek the lord with everything that you
have in you
and answer discernment in this late hour
give the father tongues without the
father with all the lord jesus christ we
have no life
give the lord praise and tongue stop
being ungrateful
praise the lord every day
one last thing on october the 19th i
heard in the spirit
god wants no one murmuring against him
the lord do not want anyone murmuring
against him my brothers and sisters we
know that israel has done a lot of bad
things in the sight of god
in the wilderness they were moving
against god and against moses because
they were getting manner and they were
not satisfied with what they were eating
so they started moving against god
and wanted of
fish so the lord gave them a lot of fish
some of them even die eating too much
fish and some of them will stun with
if you have something that you’re not
clear about go to the lord go
before the throne of grace and ask god
about it
and discuss it with the lord do not move
against them we don’t like that it’s
like talking behind his back the lord do
not like murmuring against him
and very soon we already congregated
together all god’s children
it’s coming back to how it used to be
and uh i know that maybe some people may
not be satisfied
but we have to be satisfied most
importantly we have to tango that we are
alive that we have health and strength
and life because all millions of people
are not going to make it my brothers and
so we need to always give god praise and
thanks he should not have to tell us to
give him praise and thanks he is a great
king the greatest king that ever lived
and he loves us very much
i also heard in the spirit where the
lord told me no when i was praying i’m
so sorry about that
i was praying i think it was two nights
ago or three nights ago and i heard the
lord said we do not know how much that
he love us we
do not know how much he loves us
and that is true my brothers and sisters
we really do not know how much your lord
love us
to give your life for someone
you really must love that postmate all
you had your soul on your mind
let us give the lord praise and thanks
okay may the lord shine his face on you
and your family god bless have a great
day please ask to the sermon for these
have a pleasant day bye



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