June 10, 2020
Gwendolen Song
Auto Generated Transcript:
good morning brothers and sisters in
Christ Jesus this is sister Gwendolyn
song and I greet you in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ this morning I want to
share a Rhema word with you about the
power grid going down in the USA first
I’m going to read a passage the Lord
asked me to read
John 15 verses 18 through 25
if the world hates you you
know that it hated me before it hated
you if you were of the world the world
would love its own yet because you are
not of the world but I chose you out of
the world therefore the world hates you
remember the word that I said to you a
servant is not greater than his master
if they persecuted me they will also
persecute you if they kept my word they
will keep yours also but all these
things they will do to you for my name’s
sake because they do not know him who
sent me
if I have not come and spoken to them
they would have no sin but now they have
no excuse for their sin he who hates me
hates my father also if I had not done
among them the works which no one else
did they would have no sin but now they
have been seen and also both hated by me
and my father but this happened that the
word might be fulfilled which is written
in the law they hated me without a cause
now I’m going to share this Rhema
message and before I do that the Lord
had given me of
this morning and in the vision there was
a little child a small child who had a
tracheostomy tube and he required a lot
of medical attention the kind of medical
attention that necessitates having
electricity and so what the Lord was
showing me is that many people who are
receiving medical care in their homes
will have to go to the hospitals to
continue on with their medical care all
right –
my dearest children who are upon
the earth at the greatest time in the
history of mankind children what you are
seen on your TV’s in computer screens is
not reality much of it is staged drama
it is the folly of demons and their High
Council let me repeat that again much of
it is not real they have a High Council
they have their chess pieces all across
the earth to do their bidding while
behind the scenes they watch your
responses and test your resolve I want
to elaborate on one of their plans this
day I want to share with you that in the
days ahead they will turn off all of the
electricity to the USA it is a test
dearest ones it is their way of showing
that they have the upper hand I want to
prepare many of you for this time let me
stress this point today dearest ones
there are many of my children who will
not be able to plan for this event and I
will have my holy angels watching over
you in your various situations but for
those of you who are able-bodied I am
speaking to you I want you to make sure
that you have six weeks of water on hand
begin making preparations now I want you
to have the ability to make a small fire
to boil water
and keep yourselves warm you may need to
have more thermal clothing I want you to
be able to be somewhat comfortable and
yet at the same time to be able to
preach my gospel message to those that I
send to you it is wise to practice
living without electricity
dearest ones practice what situations
you will encounter practicing what
situations you will encounter will help
you to transition through this time
better expect to be helping others if I
have given you the means expect to be
fasting and sharing your resources with
others also I am speaking on this event
because it is the kindness of the
Father’s heart please hear your Lord and
Savior this day begin making
preparations now Lord Jesus the maker of
heaven and earth all right so friends
that’s the message from the Lord and I
want to just remind everyone the two
greatest Commandments that sum up all
the prophets and the Ten Commandments
and that is to love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart all thy soul and with
all thy mind and to do unto others as
you would have others do unto you
alright that’s it for now have a great
day in the Lord Shalo