Pets as Food Dream
August 24 2024 1:39am
God’s USB Stick:
I dreamed I was seated at a large table or processing line. There were several others with me as we were talking while we were working. I was having difficulty processing the piece of animal before me as I had a small thin knife attempting to debone the small quarter of meat before me. It did not have a lot of meat to it and had many tendons and sinews. The conversation was more along the lines of a Charlie Brown cartoon between those of us at the table. I spun the piece one way, then another, trying to find an easy way to get at what little meat there was under the sinews and over the bone. A person walked up in a white meat market coat and started into our conversation and said in the only audible words of the short dream, “That’s cat meat, somebody gave up their pet.” Then they turned and walked away. I gasped looking more intently at the small chunk of nearly meatless quarter of the unrecognizable section of an animal, still trying to cut away what little meat that was there, as we were processing food for human consumption. Then I awoke at 1:39 am.