Perfect Unchangeable – 278pikelk
Published on Jun 3, 2016
TRANSCRIPT: My daughter, write My words for those with ears to hear. Understand that some of even my most devoted and cherished servants are being misled and distracted. Do not be misled, My children. Seek Me in My Word, which is the truth. I AM the Word. Therefore, how can I be manipulated? My children, seek Me on this. If the enemy could achieve any deception, wouldn’t the first thing he’d choose be to instill doubt
into the sovereign perfection of My Word? My Word is the same
today as it was from the beginning. There are various versions of the text of My Word, but no way can the enemy change the writing and truth of My Word. Do you see, My sheep, being distracted by these things? They are believing a lie. They fall for this deception. If the enemy is allowed to plant a seed of doubt into the perfection of My written Word, he is winning for, if he succeeds at this, he is planting the ultimate seed of deception. No, My children hear my voice say, the enemy carries out many deceptions, but changing my written word is not — I repeat, not one of the things that he is allowed to change. My Word is the rock, perfect and unchangeable. Do not believe this lie for it is the enemy’s ultimate goal to lead My children into this labyrinth. Those with ears to hear and eyes to see will quickly recognize the magnitude of the enemy being allowed to change My truth. If you cannot fundamentally trust My Bible, then you can no longer stand on the foundation of My rock. If you cannot trust My Word as complete truth, there is nothing else you can rely upon. You must seek Me and rely on My Holy Spirit wholly to see the truth in what I AM sharing through My messenger. My Word stands forever and, if the enemy gets them to believe My Word can be changed and manipulated, you are believing another one of his lies. It is imperative that you see this. Seek me now.
Yeshua HaMashiak