Peace. Be still and fear not
February 18, 2021
Krystal Beall
Peace. Be still and fear not, rejoice my faithful little flock. I AM with you always. I AM in you. I AM faithful. I AM true. I AM that I AM .I AM he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I AM alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
I have overcome the world. Thus have you.
If I (GOD) be for you (and I AM for you), who then can be against you? NO ONE. NOTHING. I hear your prayers. I have listened. I have answered. Faith. Not sight. I see your tears, collecting them in my bottle. The mournful, Sorrowful cries are a reflection of my own. My flock is weary and downcast. Weighed down are many of my own feeling. Discouraged. Not seeing they fall away feeling defeated. Not being received, heard and believed by those closest to them.
Arise. Stand. Shine. Harken my my beloved redeemed ones, hear me. Your pain is my own. I came unto my own and my own received me not. Am I not familiar with Suffering and Rejection? I AM. I AM the man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Know that all whom I share my cup of sorrow and affliction with, who drink to the dregs with me shall drink of new wine and shall drink of the milk and honey without cease.
TRUST ME. Those whom taste the gall shall taste the honey. I have made all things new. In the twinkling of an eye everything changes. All has changed. How blind many are. DESTRUCTION as an act of love and mercy. As my temple (body) was destroyed, my flesh as well as my heart pieced unto the melting as wax poured out of me in my love and mercy.
I AM poured out in the earth once again. Drink of me. Receive me. I AM pained as a woman in travail, pained to be delivered. I AM the way. The TRUTH. The LIFE. I AM the good shepherd. I AM leading you my flock to all I have prepared for you. I have done above all you can hope for or fathom. I have come that ye may have life and have it more abundantly. To give you Beauty for ashes. To give you an expected end. The desires of your heart.
Do not doubt. Do not fear. Trust and believe. Faith. Not sight. The way is narrow. It is my way. The only way. Few find. There is a way that seems right to a man, yet in the end it leads to death. Seek me and live. I desire no man perish. I have bore the sin of man in my body on the cross. I have ransomed you.
Let go. Lay it down. Even your life. Fear not. Give it up. All up. I have lay it all down. Given all up. MYSELF. Deny yourself. Humble before me. Precious are the death of my saints. Have I not overcome the grave? Have I not swallowed up the grave? I HAVE. Thus have ye. My gift to man. I love you with an everlasting love. Yea with kindness have I drawn thee. I have restored all the locusts. My great army, that I have sent unto you, in full. No loss is too great, no pain too deep it is all of my doing. I have allowed all for my GLORY.
I will raise you up. I have. There is nothing too hard or impossible with me, For me. I have answered prayers for your lost loved ones whom know me not. Trust me. You can not fathom the Glory of it all. Ye will remember not the former things. My GLORY. I know ye are weary and many are the heavy sighs that flood my throne. The pain is my own.
Are you ready my little flock? Are you watching? Waiting? Expecting me? I come at an hour ye expect not. Watch. Lamps burning. A wedding banquet. A new name. Healing. Restoration. RESURRECTION. A white stone. A new name . Undone. Restored. All things new.
Original article can be found here