America, Death, Destruction, Disease, Dream, Vision, Word

Past Dreams and Direction from God – Katie T.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Past Dreams and Direction from God

9/13/24 9:03 AM
Katie T.

Good morning ,

A couple of weeks ago I had felt God lead me to post a dream he had given me back in the spring of this year.

Prior to that , I haven’t posted in years.
God told me to not post anything else and called me into a long season of preparing myself to be a wise virgin and filled with oil . ( The oil of relationship and oneness with Jesus, my heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. )
The oil of relationship and obedience comes through fellowship and looking into God’s mirror. Carefully observing every action and words you choose to speak. Carefully with fear and trembling working out your salvation with God daily as the word states in

Phillipians 2 verse 12 –

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

The next scripture that has led my life every day in this journey and season with Him is where the Lord told us in His words to Fear the ONE who has the POWER to put our soul into Hell as stated in Matthew 10 verse 28 –

And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be afraid of Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell (Gehenna).

I’ve been in a time of intercession and deep reflection , out of fear of the Lord, which the Lord also states in his word is the beginning of wisdom – I say that for people who neglect their salvation and believe that a prayer of true repentance is all that is needed and after that all future sins are forgiven. The word never states this. The past is forgiven never to remembered but we are called to work out our salvation which is a gift from God daily.

We also have the parable of the wise and Unwise Virgins. We are told how people will be locked out of the wedding supper who cried to the Lord and said but Lord we did all of these things in your name. We served you and the Lord says to this group of people, depart from me you workers of iniquity for I NEVER knew you.

That and a lot more caused me to draw back and examine myself and focus on serving him through prayer.

The Lord continued to show me things through dreams , visions and words. He speaks to His children. All of His children.
This is a personal relationship with Jesus and our Father.and we are to be led by the Holy Spirit.

This morning I felt led by His Spirit to post these things.

Almost two weeks ago when I put the dream up from Springtime, someone contacted me through this website and said you know , all the things you were shown all those years ago are coming to pass almost a decade later. You ought to post everything if you have it written down.

I told them I had gone silent for a few other reasons and that was for protection sake.

I had been contacted by a lot of people and not all was good. I won’t get into that and I’ll try an make the rest of this short. I just wanted to take the time to explain .

So, I thought retelling things was pointless and only drew attention to yourself like oh look at me. I’m special I called it and that is not what I would ever want to do because many people have called things .
MANY. They call them correctly because God truly spoke it and if they missed it repeatedly they did not hear from God.

I always want the focus to be on God and drawing people to Him . I understand that it’s for His Glory . All for his Glory so I usually shy away from things like that.

So , I had no plans to do that until this morning in prayer. When God told me to post this. I’ll go right into it and hope that it produces the fruit that Father desires in his children’s lives.

In December of 2015, I lived in my home state of North Carolina. I had been praying for awhile about end time events that God had been showing me and had been asking him for several years that if these things were going to happen in my lifetime to keep me safe. That if there was anywhere he could lead me. Just one place to please keep us safe as we can be. I prayed that everyday -many times a day , for three or four years. Over the course of one year I went after Him and pleaded with Him to save us and show me where to go and make the way for it.

In December 2015 I went to bed and had two dreams. I also need to tell this. I never told a lot or all of these things before – only in part .

I was prophesied over by prophet several years prior to this . He said, Katie, never stop seeking the Lord the way that you do. God is getting ready to reward you and your going to see the fruit of your labor. He said God is getting ready to do something in your dream life. That day I went home from revival services and took a nap and had my first dream. It was of terrorism and killing of Christians. I posted in other formats alot of these but I didn’t tell the full story or the dreams in full. Just parts of them.

Back to December 2015. I went to sleep and had two dreams. The first on I was in a long dark Tunnel that was huge and tall. There were rays of light that shot through and almost like a reflection like when light is on the water at the beach on the ocean , His light shone through in the darkness.
There was bright light in the dark Tunnel beaming through like rays of sun but still dark.
God was there but I couldn’t see Him but I felt Him and His love for me. It felt so good. I could feel the closeness and His love and he kept showing me my entire life and all the times he favored me and his Love was so STRONG. He showed me all the times he helped me in my life .
I kept thanking Him and telling Him , thank you God for your love and favor in my life. Thank you , God for loving me . Thank you , thank you so much . I love you God I love you so much Father. We were one and I loved feeling Him in that way. I can’t wait for Heaven. At the end of this encounter with Him , He said , “Katie , I have a message I’m going to give you now ” and I woke up.
I wrote it all down on paper and went back to sleep and immediately went into this dream but first I must give scripture.

Acts 2 : 17
And it shall be in the last days,’ says God, ‘That I will pour out My Spirit upon all mankind; And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, And your young men shall see [divinely prompted] visions, And your old men shall dream [divinely prompted] dreams

In my dream, it started this way. I saw a large arm and hand reach down out of my ceiling. The arm had a white robe on. The hand and arm was very large it was holding a scroll. The scroll was rolled up. He handed it to me and I was with my daughter standing in our living room. We unrolled the scroll that was given to us. The scroll was alive and was written like a newspaper with living pictures. The first picture I saw was of a man in agony inside of a cage . He was lit on fire and screaming in torment because of the pain. It was difficult to see him in pain and agony , going through that.

The title of that news article stated :

Terrorism coming to America on levels never seen before .

– And then below it was the cage with the man in it and that part was alive and showed what was happening to him.

and there was an article written about it below that .

The next thing I saw written in the scroll was

Flooding coming to the East Coast of America all the way to Raleigh / Durham NC.

( Which is the area I lived at the time. )

The article said that 3/4 of the people would die.

Jesus was standing beside me in my living room at this point . To my right side. He asked me , Katie, do you understand what this means ? And I asked him no Lord what does this mean ? He said most of the people will die Katie and the people who live through this will become barbaric and will do anything in order to survive.

He told me that there would be cannabalism at this event.

He also told me before we talked about this that it one day would not be safe to even go to the grocery store and to store up food and things we need.

Then in the dream my daughter said mom what are we gonna do ? Mom what do we do ? She kept saying and the Lord had me say in the dream. That’s why we have all of these things. We are going to move to the mountains and find a private house tucked away and hidden and we won’t go out. We will live on our supplies and no one will ever know we are even there.

Then the dream ended. I read many articles in the scroll. I didn’t retain any of it in the natural except for these articles.

This was the message God gave me that night in December 2015.

Then a few months later in the spring of 2016 , I received another dream from God.

I saw the state of NC shaded in red.
I hear a voice say the state of NC will be uninhabitable due to flooding.

( Oh, I just remembered when I wrote this right now that Jesus told me in the scroll dream that sickness and disease would spread ,plagues from the East coast disaster. )

Then the dream shifted to a news report on the television and I heard the newscaster say ” the entire state of NC is uninhabitable due to flooding. “.

Then I saw a map of the Smoky mountains and the exact shape of them. Which I did not know the exact shape but it was the exact shape . It was shaded in blue and the Lord said this is a safe zone.

I saw a map of the Ozark mountains and the I heard a voice and the Lord said .

” This is ideal. This is the best place to be . ”

I then saw my husband and I packing up our home and the Lord showed me in the dream that the time of moving was so stressful that when I finally got into the moving truck I sighed a huge sigh of relief because one obstacle after another had come in our way to prevent us from ever moving to where the Lord showed us to go – And that’s exactly what happened to literally getting in my SUV and the moving truck and both sighing the hugest sigh of relief that it was finally over and we was going to what the Lord had for us.

I knew the Lord told me to write this this morning.

I just prayed and asked him how he wants to end this and His purpose for saying these things again and there is a lot more that I am supposed to tell at a later time as the Lord directs.

The purpose of this is to bear witness of his message all these years later that was printed earlier. His purpose is to instruct His children to safety for all who listen and believe.

A time of terrorism unlike ANYTHING America has seen is being unleashed on us now. We have been betrayed and set up. Yet , God has allowed this.

God wants you to trust and know that He has an ideal place, not perfect not untouchable ( my words ). But according to His words to me he has an Ideal and best place to be and He also has another safe place in the Smoky mountains. Turns out a multitude have heard this very word.
I can not tell you how many people I see relocated here. It’s like grains of sand. Tons of God’s children have heard these exact words and are rushing here. I came when times were good and easy.

But let me tell you , we came but not for the hand of God. But not without His favor and my God is not a respecter of persons. My God who abundantly provided for a move and a job and supplied all of my needs will do the same for any child of His. Let me tell you all you need to do is believe in God and the Lord Jesus Christ and pray and ask him -don’t let it go.
Ask Him to make a way for you and don’t give up. See it through until you get what you need from your Father’s hand. Pray without ceasing. Intercede for others and yourself. Don’t stop and don’t back down. Come boldly to the throne of God
. Knowing that if you abide in Him then He abides in you and THEN you shall ask ANYTHING you desire and it will be done for YOU.
The key is repentance and surrender to His word. Abide in Him Church.
Abide in the tree of Life. Come to the throne of mercy today and become a wise virgin.
Let go of your opinions of others. Quit judging and condemning and seeing people through your lens. Get the beam out of your own eye then you will be fit to help your brother get the plank out of His. I’m not saying this is easy but I am saying Surrender fully to Jesus Christ before it is too late. I am saying work out your own salvation with tremble and fear before our Lord God. I am saying get it right today. It’s not too late for you or those you love.

Come to the throne of Grace.
He will LOVE you and He will FAVOR you if you abide in Him. You will be safe in Him.

Times have been changing and they will continue.

May the God of Heaven bless you deeply this day.

Katie T.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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