“Paris is burning!”
April 26, 2020 5:09 PM
Chris, Germany
Dear brothers and sisters,
quite before awakening on Sunday, 26th of April 2020 I got a small vision which I’d like to share with you.
I felt let to share after reading “Elite vs. Elect”, by Barbara Nesbitt, with the sentence
“The time is so short. If you knew what was coming, you would make time to seek Me and listen to My heart”.
It’s not that kind of massive dreams I had before, just a short glimpse with a message.
I was sitting with some people on a green lawn, somewhere outside of a residential area. Just like a picnic scene. But we hadn’t anything with us, not even a rucksack or a basket.
The area looked like green pastures landscape more like in Central Europe. Initially it seemed to me like Northern Italy. The surrounding was warm and “funny” – just to say “easy”.
Then I smelt, “felt” and saw smoke very close to us. Not that kind of BBQ smoke…. drift smoke.
And I said: “Paris is burning!”
With that sentence the people around me were looking “uneasy”, first a little bit skeptical but after this repeating themselves “Paris is burning/ Paris burns”. The scene developed more and we saw plumes of smoke coming from the surrounding hills. With a closer look I realized some settlements on or between the hills. Everywhere within these settlements was a plume of smoke rising up to the sky.
People were walking around, some confused, some very affected and shouting “Paris burns/ Paris is burning”. I have to add that we were never affected by these fires. They didn’t come close to us.
Then the dream ended.
Today let me give thanks to the Holy Spirit, to our Holy Father and to our Lord Jesus Christ!
I think this glimpse wasn’t given to figure out some dates or sort of that. There were no dates, times, whatever. Just the feeling of summer or late spring. It wasn’t even the skyline of Paris or her outskirts (“banlieues”). But the clear and often repeated sentence: “Paris is burning”.
So the Lord doesn’t give space for much speculation. He want’s us what he always want’s us to do:
Think about the time we’re living in, feel the closeness of His coming! If you’re living in France: Don’t even think the Revelation just affects the United States!
So if you read until here: REPENT!
WE are ALL affected by His coming, by His judgment and the pouring out of His wrath – somehow.
Glory to the Lord! For this information and for the time he generously gives to us to REPENT!
Chris, Germany