Parents: Break Agreement with Evil over the Children I Gave to You
October 13, 2023 12:09 PM
Given: 10/12/23 11 am
To those whom I blessed with innocents:
Hear and understand, remember I admonish those whom I love. Repentance = turning from, stop doing, the things that I hate, and start doing righteous things. Read My Word, ask Me to teach you. Those who seek My Righteousness will be filled.
Do you really believe that I was ok with your innocent children watching demon cartoons? That Disney was so celebrated by the world that most of those who claimed to know Me fell into the peer pressure to love things that I hate?
My people chose to justify their sin…and were proud of causing their children to be excited about celebrating things that I hate. Deceived churches celebrate things I hate and say it is okay to.
And many parents wonder why their children hate Me when they are adults. Most have demons attached to them that you, oh parent, opened the doors and welcomed in demons to teach your children as they watched tv so you could work or care for your own desires and keep up with the world’s American dream at the cost of your children not knowing Me like they NEED to in these last days. Start today, teach your children My Righteousness.
I have commanded fathers all from Adam through history to you, fathers. You have swallowed the American lie, you compete with your brethren until you become narcissistic with no feeling of love that has waxed cold toward others. You see what the world offers, slavery. Now learn of My Ways, My will for you and your family.
Read My Word now, before I return. Will I find you fathers of children filled with faith when I return, or will you be as the unfaithful servant? I set up My Way in my Word. If You want to be Mine, You choose to do My will not your own.
I said to lead your families and teach them to seek Me first. Let your wife and children see you singing praise to Me, and speaking My Word, and humbling yourself and teach them to seek Me. My burden is not heavy, but you fathers drank the lies that the Laodicean age has taught you, but you believe the lie because you do not ask Me to teach you My word and My Will. Taste and see that The Lord is good, and that I have a good plan for you and your family, to hide you under My wing while the tempest rages.
It is not too late, heed these calls to you men to whom I have given children….
I want you with me, to be My kings and priests unto Me. Do you want to be with Me? You cannot call Me Lord if you don’t do what I say. I say Jeremiah 33:3, Jeremiah 29:11-14. Lead your wives in prayer and cover your family with the blessings I give to you for them. Just as fathers who knew My ways always gave blessings to their families and taught them to attend to their counsel: My Word. Teach your children to obey Me, for faith is shown in obedience. And I dwell with the humble, lowly, servants of heart.
Ask Me, I will teach, I give abundantly to those who seek Me and obey what I say to do. You had the gift to father children; many men do not have that gift. Take spiritual authority I give you over your family, walk in love that serves and prefers your family over your own needs. I provide all you need. Teach your family WORD. Walk in My fruit. Love your wife as I love her.
Mothers, do your children see you speaking and singing Word? Do they see you reject gossip and refuse to sit in the seat of scoffers? Do they see how you manage their care with constant prayers and blessings spoken over them? If you fall, such as murmur or complain – do your children see you repent to Me and ask Me to help you do righteousness? Do your children see you thanking Me for your husband or do they hear you complain about your husband? Train up your children, this is an active effort. Ask Me to help you and show you how, I know how to nurture children, and how to bless your husband.
The creator of Star Wars lost faith in me because his parents lied to him about Santa being real, therefore he reasoned that his parents also lied to him about Jesus Christ being real. (There is only one father of lies, but you scoff at the seriousness of My Word. There is NO LIE in Me, or in My New Jerusalem, or in My saints who obey Word.)
Separate from traditions of men that allow lies to cause many to fall away from Me. Are not your “holidays” based on the Catholic Church instead of My Word? Where did I institute Holidays that include magic, symbols of witches, demonic things, even profaning My Resurrection with a holiday using a pagan goddess’ name… (there are no other gods beside Me, you are worshipping demons every time you say her name. Where in My Word is this okay? Then why do you DO them?)
Do you not know you fight unseen demonic principalities who inhabit those who invite them in, those who agree with them, pay them money to make you laugh? (that is why I tell you not to greet, sit with, eat with hypocrites, the companion of fools WILL suffer harm.) My Way is not popular.
Deception twists My Word and says ‘not to judge’, but I have told you that you will know who to turn away from and have nothing to do with (2 Tim 3) as you will know them by their fruit. I tell My people to SEPARATE. This is not judging others, only I judge the thoughts and intents of men’s hearts. This is what I expect my disciples to do: discern the fruit, in Psalms I mention perceiving lack of knowledge, and to GO FROM them. You cannot convince a fool who choses to love darkness. Their darkness WILL leaven, so depart.
Their words show what is in their heart. Do they love dark things? Do they scoff at My Holiness and that I call you to be holy? If so, then who do they belong to? Not Me.
Oh my saints, how will you rule and reign with Me if you do not know how to discern My will, and what is good and what is evil? How will You walk on My Way of Holiness (Isaiah) if you do not die to SELF? How will your children learn Word if you keep a casual attitude about It? Do not teach your children to have a casual attitude about ME. Even so, I Myself will teach your children. (Isaiah)
Do you want your children that I blessed you with to be with Me for eternity? If so, your job is to raise them to know Me. If you teach them that it is okay to mix lies, paganism, demons, druid “holidays”…that is an abomination to call Halloween a “HOLY”day.
You gift your children with witchcraft like in Harry Potter – the author said her purpose was to teach children how to speak and do witchcraft.
Oh, but I do not teach my children witchcraft, you say. Do you angrily say to your child, “Shame on you!”? Well, you are cursing your child. I do not curse you when you fall short, with my lovingkindness I draw you to repentance.
Do Mother Goose “fairy tales” give Me glory? You must discern according to My Word what I hate and what I love. Sure, these witchcraft books and movies were costly to you. So were the witchcraft books and items that were burned in the Book of Acts.
I am telling you to separate yourself, your children, your home from idols. Ask Me to show you in My Word the kinds of things that I hate, the kinds of things I tell My people never to mix with. This is serious. I give commands because I love. Only I know how you can avoid pitfalls that will draw you away from Me. Only I know how to make you holy. This is part of that process. Clean out your house… your abode and your internal temple of My Spirit.
Teach your children why these movies and books and things are abominations to Me. Teach them why the things being taught in the schools do not line up with My Word. Or home school your children, ask Me if this is My will and if it is, learn to trust that I will provide everything you need to accomplish My will and give Me glory.
You must break agreements with any love for darkness that you have/ had, and that you have taught to your children. You MUST ask ME, seek ME, knock and keep doing so until I answer you.
Your prayers come up before me as incense in the vials held by the four living creatures and the 24 elders before My Throne. Let me grow your faith as you learn to obey Me and wait on Me.
You need oil in your lamps as do your children. My Word must be read, heard, sung – planted in your minds and hearts, setting your minds on things of The Spirit. You were created to walk according to My Spirit in you, not to remain walking in your flesh. If you do not seek Me, you will perish for lack of knowledge.
When My people draw near to Me, repent of their sin and do works of repentance (such as burning witchcraft books in Acts) and teaching your children why you must turn from these things and turn toward WORD,
THEN I heal their land and My blessings are their inheritance.
But most of those who are called will not be chosen, because they love darkness and have no love for My Truth. It is not possible to walk according to My Spirit and also walk according to your flesh. Your flesh must die as you pledged when you were water baptized. This is your sanctification by Truth, Father God’s WORD. Ask Me for ears to hear and understand, ask me for salve for your eyes so you can know My Truth in WORD.
*Note: Father wanted me to share the following information. I am in no way selling this book. It was published in 1995, and God brought it to me that year. He had taught me about New Age and demonic things already and he wanted me to be aware of the devices of the enemy. I do believe that Abba wants us to be innocent of evil, and that delving into too much occult things out of interest in learning about details could cause you to be tempted away from Word. God bless you and be your strength as you obey what He shows you to do in these end days. May Father count us worthy to escape, be under His wing always! -Sarah*
Fourteen Things Witches Hope Parents Never Find Out Paperback – January 1, 1995 by David Benoit (Author)
Book description: For years, witchcraft has been seasonable. It seems every September and October, witches are on bulletin boards, front porches, and windows, as decorations for the upcoming Halloween season.
But, I have news for you. Witchcraft is not just for Halloween anymore. Our children are prime targets of these beliefs. 365 days a year, children are being preyed upon by witchcraft through the promotion of cartoons, toys, and games. There are also professing witches in the field of education. This puts our children in a very vulnerable position.
It has been said, “Those who control the youth, control the future.” Could there be a plan in witchcraft to control the future of your child? Does God promise to protect Christian homes when parents allow occult items in their homes? No.
Through this book, you will learn some alarming evidence. Some of the information in this book includes: Understanding which witch is which; Is there a difference between white and black magic? Are trolls, smurfs, mermaids, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and other cartoons and games safe for your children?; 14 secrets witches hope you never find out; 7 practical ways to prevent your child from getting involved in witchcraft; and 27 scriptural admonitions for protecting your children.
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