Only in Me
April 2. 2021 2:51 PM
‘But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.’ (Matthew 6:33)
The Lord had told me at the beginning of 2020 to get my house in order, meaning my physical and spiritual house. Well, let’s just say that it’s still a work in progress. I had a recent revelation that it’s not enough to love the Lord – we have to rearrange our priorities so that God becomes number one in order for our lives to really come together and move forward. The following article by Bonnie Moore titled ‘Think on What God is Doing’ – -Daily Manna – 4.1.21 talks about just that. Excerpt follows with express permission by the author.
Today your LORD (יהוה) God says:
It all started with a man named Abraham. I call him your Father in the faith. I do not tell you he was particularly talented or sharp. Just that he believed Me and was faithful. He was obedient and enthusiastic—he was willing to obey. And he ate the good of the land.
Start talking and walking with Me. If you are willing and obey you will be surprised where I will take you. We can change the world. Abraham did. Noah did. Moses did. Joshua did. Gideon did. David did. Daniel did. Mary did. Paul did. And so can you.
And what caused all of them to be so successful? They all walked with and talked with Me. They all focused on Me more than on themselves. They all were aware of Me. I was the main one in their lives. Just read the Psalms of David and the letters of Paul. Just consider the lives of Elijah and Elisha. Just read the life of Daniel and his visions and prophecies. Just listen to the few words recorded of Mary. You will notice I was the consuming passion of their lives. Their attention was focused on Me more than themselves.
Think less about what you are doing and more about what I am doing. Think more about My Words than about your words. Talk less to yourself and more to Me.
I know more than you do. I have better and bigger and longer lasting plans than you do. And My Words are Spirit and life. My Words have the power to save you, prosper you, heal you, and deliver you. My Words are never idle or vain words.
Come have the better part. That is the eternal one. There is a way that seems right in the eyes of men but ends in death. And that way is to just live to store up treasure for yourself—to seek your needs and wants first. And those treasures end with your death. To whom will all your piled up wealth go? But My ways are all life—and life eternal. Following My ways returns a hundred fold in this life and stores up treasures in Heaven for you that no moth or rust can destroy or thief steal. Choose life.
In thinking more about Me you actually find the true you. You lose your life if you just concentrate on yourself all the time. But you find your life for eternity when you concentrate on Me. It is ONLY IN ME that you find who you really are. It is ONLY IN ME that you find out in whose image you are made and how wonderfully you are made and loved. It is ONLY IN ME that you find your true worth and value. It is ONLY IN ME that you find your special gift. It is ONLY IN ME that you find out your purpose and your assignment. It is ONLY IN ME that you can do all things. It is ONLY IN ME that you bear much fruit. It is ONLY IN ME that you will be strong and able to overcome all that would keep you from reaching your destiny. It is ONLY IN ME that you can reign in this life and the life to come. It is ONLY IN ME that you will find all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. It is ONLY IN ME that you will know the things to come. It is ONLY IN ME that you will understand what is going on in the world today.
It all starts by simply beginning to talk with Me, to really focus on Me and lift yourself out of your own thoughts to look at Me. Ask Me questions. Read My Word and ask Me to tell you how it applies to your life today. Read it with Me as if I were there with you, for I truly am there with you by My Spirit in you.
I love you. Start your walk with Me today by taking your attention off yourself for a moment—yes, stop talking just to yourself and start talking with Me—and really look at Me in your heart. You will be surprised how easy it is to get in touch with Me for when you seek Me, you will find Me with you.
And I will tell you a secret, if you start singing to Me you will find Me even faster. So address one another in psalms, hymns and inspired songs, making melody to Me in your heart.
You can read or listen to the full article of this post at Daily Manna.
Scripture Reference:
Psalm 62:5-8 5 My soul, be at rest in God alone, for from Him comes my hope. 6 God alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. 7 My safety and my glory are with God, He is my mighty rock, my refuge. 8 Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.
Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.