By LaShonda Gibbs
June 15, 2018
My children I come to you today with a heavy heart. Oh, My precious children, so many of you don’t realize the attacks that I have been warning of through my watchmen will soon take place in this nation. Oh, My precious children, I want you all to know that everything is not what it seems to be. Oh, My precious children have I not told you that when they say peace and safety that war will suddenly come? Oh, My precious children, I want you to know that war will come to this nation sooner than you think. Oh, My precious children, I want you to know that famine will hit this land. Oh, My precious children, I want you to know that so many lives will be lost. Oh, My precious children, I want you to know that many of your loved ones will not make it. Oh, My precious children, I want you to know that I want none of you to perish. Oh, My precious children, I want you to know that you must seek Me now while I may be found. Oh, My precious children, I want you to repent of your sins you have committed against Me. Oh, My precious children, you must surrender your whole heart to Me. Oh, My precious children, you must love your neighbors as you love yourself. Oh, My precious children, you must forgive your enemies. Oh, My precious children, you must pick up your cross, carry it and follow Me. Oh, My precious children, you must worship Me in Spirit and in Truth. Oh, My precious children, I will return soon. Oh, My precious children, I will only return for those that belong to Me. Oh, My precious children, I will return soon. SAYS THE LORD !!!