Oh, Be Still O Soul Of Mine
October 29, 2020 10:13 AM
Brian Ethier
Oh, be still, be still O soul of mine,
For you have not been forsaken;
For even though all around you the powers of sin may rage,
You, you shall remain still and be unshaken.
For Yahusha, your Savior who gave His dear life for thee,
And thus permits that you should be,
All for your good as you will come to see,
Even if you are tested for your refining for a season;
So be still, be still, be still O soul of mine.
Oh, be still, stand with courage, with faith, be firm and true,
And throughout all of life’s battles waging;
Oh, be still, be still my soul and do rest,
Even as everywhere the tempests are raging.
Yahusha, your Redeemer who does all our sorrows share,
With His bountiful love and tender care,
As your trials are no more than you can bear,
And He will not let thee all alone and suffer.
So be still, be still, be still O soul of mine.
Oh, be still, for why should you be so fearful,
In the face of the tempter’s roaring?
Be fully trusting in your Messiah alone,
And the evil one’s wrath ignoring.
For see your Deliverer’s tenderness and prove,
Along with all the Heavenly Messengers above,
Of Master Yahusha’s unfailing and wondrous love,
And always, always for thee caring.
So be still, be still, be still O soul of mine.
Yes, dear King Yahusha, I will be still,
And put all my hope and trust in Thee;
As I obey and submit all to Your will,
And I will cling to Thee forevermore.
Yahusha HaMashiach, my Captain, you know what is best,
And so with confidence and peace in this I’ll rest,
Until I dwell with all of the blessed,
And be with Thee, my Friend, in Your Everlasting Kingdom!
So be still, be still, be still O my soul of mine.
Yes, you be still, be still, be still O soul of mine!