Obey Obey Obey
April, 6, 2021 11:28 AM
Hello it is Walt again and again I was given a message on April 04 2021 by the Spirit of the God. He wanted me to tell a longer back story this time so I obey and in a sense that is what this message is about obeying. Hello my name is Walt I am 50 going to be be 51 was raised a Roman Catholic but never believed in the religion. I confessed my sins to a priest maybe 3 times my entire life but never felt clean inside. I have always believed in Jesus Christ , The Father and the Holy Spirit but would never pray to Jesus Christ nor to the Spirit , I never knew how much I Truly needed Jesus and the Spirit.
Fast forward to the end of 2019 beginning of 2020. It was right around September of 2019 I felt something inside me change as far as like my Spirit but did not understand it. It was around December of 2019 I am a steamfitter so I was working nights in the middle of winter it was less than 20 degrees out n we were inside a building that had no heat just being built . I was waiting to raise pipe up to a deck above, and than from what I could tell was this force literally push me to one knee and I started to cry and ask God to forgive me of my sins. I spent a good bit of time just sobbing on my knees telling God how sorry I was , I eventually rose up and had this feeling of warmth , cleansing from head to toe came over me . I had never felt before.
I used to watch a lot of videos about Marvel and photography when I drove home because my drives are long and when I went to Work. I stopped listening to these videos and stoped wanting to do martial arts ,weightlifting, photography as well as I stopped listening to music and watching TV. I went and bought a King James version Bible and started to read n pray before work and during break and lunch .
Then in March 2020 during the COVID-19 lockdowns I was given a vision and words the vision was me with my children walking around the neighborhood handing out bibles the words given to me where go out and buy $1000 worth of bibles and hand them out. now I almost choked when I heard $1000 worth but I went out to the Dollar store and bought two cases of bibles, I wish I would have listened to buying a 1000 dollars worth because I found myself each week buying them. So Around the same time again a voice spoke to me and said go to goodwill and talk to a man he will be there when you go to drop clothes off .So I obeyed, he was not very taking to the idea of talking about God but it did not discourage me. After that I started to hand bibles out to people and the ones that seemed to have no interest I would always tell them the Bible says Romans 10:13 “whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” I always tell them in your darkest hour call his name out. During this time around Feb thru March It was put into me two things, by the Spirit “I do not want you going to any churches , most if not all are man made, I’m coming to burn them down. Do not trust man, most do not understand the true meanings of My Word. Most read it with lack of the Spirit behind it or some have the Spirit and apply it wrong to My Word. They lack the true Spirit meaning of The Word”.So I took that to heart.
So here are some examples of what I’m talking about by obeying his voice “ my son” yes Lord “ I want you to go tell that person that I want to talk to them” .Yes Lord , so I would then go up to the person and tell them excuse me but God has told me that you need to talk to Him , GOD !!!!, “ my son, tell that person I love them they need to talk to me”,So I would obey !, “ my son I want you to go too giant food store and there will be a Man that I need you to talk to “ OK Lord. Here is something that just happened recently , I needed to go to just the food store , giant , which is right around the corner from my house. The Spirit spoke to me, He said” my son I need you to go to Walmart and Arby’s tonight “ and I said Lord I just need to go to giant ’cause it’s right around the corner from my house. The Spirit spoke again “ my son I need you to go to Walmart and an Arby’s”. OK Lord I’ll go. Spirit said “ when you get to Walmart I will direct you to who to talk to and what to say” OK Lord. I then asked about Arby’s and the Spirit spoke to me “my son if a man gets on to take your order at Arby’s do not talk to him to him about me, a woman will get on to take your order after the man starts” I said OK Lord, and that is exactly what happened the man started taking my order and stopped midstream and a young lady got on to take my order. So she said after taking my order is there anything else, and I said yes this may sound strange but God spoke to me earlier and that’s why I’m here to deliver a message to you , and she said OK. I just said you need to go call God , you need to pray to him and she said thank you.
The inner still small voice is there it speaks to your mind n heart. It is the voice inside you that speaks that you know it is not you. You have to train hearing it and it is done by two ways that I have found. First by being repentive of anything that is of sin nature , immediately rebuke any thoughts not of God and confess anything not of god that you did immediately . Second seek The Father , Jesus The Christ and the Holy Spirit as much as you can. Jeremiah said 29:13” if you shall seek me you will find me when you search with all your heart”. That is so true .
So last year , May of 2020 I was told by the Spirit that the helper is coming and I was like “Helper” I did not ask I wrote it down, during that time, also I had tried to talk in tongues and had failed and felt awkward so I just did not do it. I went to the Lord and told him if there is a purpose for me to speak in tongues than you will give it to me and I left it at that. I continued on doing what I was told to do and praying , reading the word seeking The Lord . So thru the whole year I did this , the more I seeked, the more I obeyed the voice, the closer I got to God’s purpose and will for me.
So let’s fast forward to December 2020 right before the Holidays , my prayer list had grown from The Lord exponentially as well as my own personnel one, and I was still seeking him and obeying that inner still voice, what he was telling me to do. What ever it asked and I would ask if it’s from God, it was nothing really , crazy, just staying where he wanted me. It was the week of Christmas where I was getting up for work early in the morning and I heard the Spirit talk to me “ My son get up the Father has a gift for you” So I got up n went downstairs so I would not disturb my wife and 3 young children. I was told to sit , so I sat on the couch than The Spirit said “ Breathe in , take a deep breath and keep breathing in “ So I did and when I did this it was no regular air . It Was not air , the best way to describe it was like breathing in a vapor kinda like from a cool mist humidifier but super clean and with no smell , something I had never experienced before ever. The Spirit said “Speak” So I spoke and out came a language that I had never heard before but I could understand because it came from my heart n mind. I was given a prayer language of my own, and I sat and was in awe of what The Lord had just done and thank him everyday for it. That vapor presence is with me all the time right now .
So after I put my first message up on 444 prophecy news site , a day or so the Spirit spoke to me while I was driving , “ My Son I am changing some things with People on your prayer lists” so I said ok and kept on driving , now lately as I have been praying the Spirit would say “stop “and tell me to take this one person and that person off the list. So I would test to see if it was not a lying Spirit and ask “ Did Jesus Christ come as God , walk in the flesh , die for sins , resurrect and sit at the right hand of God. If I get an answer as yes than I’ll listen if not than I’ll rebuke it and send to Jesus . Sometimes I’m told right off the bat when Spirit says my son” I am your God ,Jesus Christ my son Came in The Flesh as God walked the Earth , taught what I wanted , died for your sins , resurrected and sits at my right side” So I would obey , when I was praying for my Children and was told to take one or two off I got extremely upset and than said ok,I obeyed Than a day went by and I put him back on the list, and the Spirit spoke and said “ My son what did I tell you , take them off the list” I was extremely upset over this and than stoped and said “ My God , who I trust , My Lord , what good is it than to pray for these people , especially my own children . “ The Spirit said” I am your God you will do as you are told .” Now the Lord knew I was not happy and extremely hurt but I obeyed. I continued on praying and the Spirit spoke to me “ My son you can put your children back on your prayer list, I was testing your heart. I was testing you as too how much they truly mean to you so I have listened , continue praying for them “. I thanked God The Father , Jesus for listening and allowing me to go on.
What I have learned is stay repentive , seek The Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and pray the same, read his word and especially obey that inner still voice. Now for the message which was given to me on April 04 2021
My son write these words down. Many are not fit for the kingdom of God but my grace is sufficient enough and mercy to allow people there. I have instructed my servant to pray for whom I’ve told him. Many times I have told him lately to not pray for certain people . This is by no mistake. I will come out and tell him that Jesus The Christ came as My son God, walked the Earth taught what I wanted in the flesh died for your sins resurrected on the third day, and sits at my right hand The Father. Many of you have been tested and are being tested in prayer time to see who’s truly in your heart that you are praying for. If you just obey me and do not give any type of emotion when I tell you who to stop praying for what do they truly mean to you? Please put your full heart mind body n soul to praying for people . Sincerity goes a lot towards my mercy . There are many I have told to stop praying for this person or that person , there is a reason for it , My ways are not your ways My thoughts are higher than your own. I am God , No one knows what truly will happen but me. The people you pray for do you truly know their hearts? and if they are truly fit at this time to be in my kingdom? Remember many are called and fewer are chosen. Just put your faith n trust in me like my servant walter n be obiendient to my voice. The more you obey that inner still voice the more I talk the louder it gets . Did I not say in my world in acts to the prison guard that your whole house would be saved? Is not my word my bond. Many truly do not understand my word , did I not say worship in spirit n truth every time in everything.
My son the time has come to separate my own from my own , is your lamp full, is your anointing full, can you speak in tongues? Did I not say when I was in the flesh n walked the earth that those that truly believe will be able to heal the sick raise the dead , speak in tongues , and no poison will harm you!!!! We’re those words just for my apostles or every born again believer carrying the full anointing . You be the judge of it and search n study my word. Is my word my word , is it to be sliced up in pieces are taken as whole , you be the judge of it. It is your salvation at stake. Many are misled by man did I not say let no man deceive you!!! Obey my inner still voice in your heart n mind and do what I command. If I tell you to go to the store go if I tell you to go to room 811 go , I have many reasons n purposes for this. Maybe it’s a test to see if you are truly paying attention n willing to obey!!!!
My son I am coming soon post this up on where I tell you, today April 04 2021, I love all and I mean all , but not all that I truly love are fit yet for the Kingdom of Heaven at hand. Your savior Jesus The Christ Shilom.
My son many are not obeying the inner still voice , they think by just believing they will be worthy to escape , did I not command in my word to pray always that you would be found worthy to escape what shall come to pass n stand before me. Many are called but few are chosen . The anointing that you have is your oil how much anointing depends on you obeying me n my word that I speak n read. Please obey and all will go well for you. My son thank you for obeying the best that you have but I still have much to do in everyone with many challenges n horrors ahead. Stay mindful and anything that is not of me test, test,test n ask ask ask. My son print all of it n send to 444 prophecy site. I love you my son , Jesus The Christ.
As always ask God , take it to him for confirmation, much peace n love to you all. God’s servant and messenger Walter.