“Obama is about to be let go for a season to wreck havoc upon My Earth”. – Wendi Lee
September 9, 2018
My Child you are to write what you hear whispered in your ear by Papa God Yaheveh. It’s raining for Father is raining My Righteous Judgment for all to see and feel and experience and to be shaken like figs falling off the branches.
It is time, things, events, will be much more prevalent now. Father will be relentless for I must act so My Children will awake and awake they shall in much misery and inconveniences and much death. Have I not warned you My Child? Have I not pleaded with you My Child? I love and I care for you. You are loved and cherished each one of you. If you belong to My Son Yeshua you will not fear death. But if you do not, fear Me, the One who can kill your body and your soul, My Son Yeshua will not forsake anyone who calls upon his name. Papa says repent or you shall perish.
Humble yourself to My Son My Child. Can you not see how much your Creator made the only way for you to escape My Eternal Wrath? Sin has to be dealt with for the penalty of sin is death. My Son Yeshua took your penalty and He gives you His Eternal Gift of Life. A life forever that you could never compare anything on this fleeting earth to.
Come My Child, Father is beckoning you to My Only Way, Life, and My Only Truth, and I speak of My Beloved Son Yeshua Yaheveh God in the Flesh. It is not too late to take His Hand and be led into My Promised Land.
Judgments are falling and Obama is about to be let go for a season to wreck havoc upon My Earth. Father says keep a close and discerning eye open for evil as you could never imagine is going to be allowed. This is all in My Perfect Plan. My Children you must, you must, you must, put your complete trust in My Holy Son Yeshua Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It’s raining judgments and Yeshua is your umbrella covering. Father God Yaheveh has spoken My Terrible Words to My Children through My Meek and Quiet Prophetess Wendi Lee who is, like all of My Faithful are; a great prize in My Eyes. Papa Daddy Abba Loves.
All need to expect the unexpected.
Received Aug 30 2018
Papa says Write for your Papa God Yaheveh My Beautiful Daughter Wendi Lee. My Saints whom Papa adores for you are precious in my sight. Father says to realize and truely open up your spiritual eyes for what I am about to do on this earth.
My People have forgotten My Ways and go their own way to destruction. It is written there is a way that seems good to a man but leads to destruction. Which way are you headed, your own self destructive or God Jehovah Elohim Adonai Perfect Way? Take a good long and hard look at how you are living. Do you give in unto the lusts of the flesh? Do you hate thy brother? Do you look up to idols instead of My Son Yeshua? Papa says repent, repent, repent.
Do you have adulterous thoughts, covet thy neighbor’s things, spread gossip? Papa says repent. Do you capture your sinful thoughts and give them to My Son Yeshua for disposal? How do you expect to not have any stains or wrinkles on your garment if your mind is filled with these sinful imaginations? Children, give them to My Son, He will cleanse you if you let Him.
Papa will tell you that none of My Saints will come home with any stains or wrinkles for I will scourge you clean (unwillingly) before hand. Before you gasp and say I don’t believe this is from God, Father says to read My Word prayerfully with My Holy Spirit. Many many of you want to quickly lay blame on My Messengers. Father God Yaheveh says, do not let it be so. Touch not My Anointed and do My Prophets no harm.
My Messenger and Prophetess has been trained up directly by My Son Yeshua. He directs her way by allowing her to see Him daily leading her and He allows her to hear Him continually throughout the day. Why is this so you ask? She is at My Son’s Feet all the day long. My Daughter Wendi Lee thinks of no one else but My Son Yeshua as number one in her life and in all her ways. She prays daily to stay lowly and humble in My Sight. She rejoices and makes melody in her heart to My Son Yeshua and loves My Son Yeshua more than life itself, however My Daughter has also had a life that many of you could not bear, because when much is given much is to be expected.
Do not try to understand My Ways or My Thoughts this is the life of a prophetess or prophet of Mine: extremely supernaturally involved wi…th Me. You may take all of Father’s Messages and ask Me to confirm they are truely from Me Papa of Glory, Grace, Mercy, and Truth and Papa will. God Jehovah still has His True Prophets called and ordained by God alone. I change not. Papa Daddy Abba loves. All need to expect the unexpected.
Transcribed from Youtube 9 Sept 18 Come to Yeshua Jesus Christ of Nazareth