O Put Your Trust In The Great Physician
January 12, 2022 7:12 AM
Brian Ethier
The condition of every molecule in your body the Great I AM does know,
For as Your Creator I designed your very being to be vibrant and to grow;
So why do you listen to detrimental instructions that are given by man?
For those indoctrinated fools are only prescribing poison, run from them as fast you can.
May you repent and stop idolizing the institution that was created to kill you,
Stop depending on the devil’s pawns, come to My Throne, I’ll tell you what to do;
For revelation and for healing ask Your Holy Father what is wrong,
O put your trust in the Great Physician and I’ll show you how to make you strong.
So why do you still partake in your willful deterioration of your body?
As oftentimes by simple changes in your habits will then make you healthy;
With the roll out of their 5g technology, it will become a truly dangerous situation,
So be still, listen and do heed to what My servants that do bring you My information.
Their mark of the beast they are working feverishly to bring about,
With demonic programming and mind manipulation through entertainment, computers, television and the media with all their clout;
Creating diseases, adding unnatural additives to your water, food and drinks, spraying toxins that is polluting all the air,
So awaken O My people and come out of her or the consequences you will bear.
For revelation and for healing ask Your Holy Father what is wrong,
O put your trust in the Great Physician and I’ll show you, I’ll show you,
I’ll show you how to make you strong!