His PrincessBride
MONDAY, JULY 4, 2016
Now My Wrath, My Sore Displeasure
July 4,2015
My daughter,
It is My greatest joy to give you the Kingdom. Many battles have been fought so that My faithful children, though few they be, can now occupy the Land of Promise. They have laid it all down; so many have paid a high price, yet they have continued to press through. Now at last, it has come. Now that final hour when nothing remains the same, even visibly.
Come into My chambers where I have promised to hide you away. No more of the former, but now the new I present to you. Come, My weary and heavy laden, for the rest I now give. Come and be satisfied at My table. Come, eat the good of the land.
My daughter, at last the ground breaks. Ear-splintering noises now shake the very atmosphere in which the people walk. NOW My presence shall be known in all the earth. Many have doubted, but now all shall be aware of the sound of My displeasure.
Children of the earth, prepare, for what I have dreaded is surely upon you, even already. They were forewarned, but few heeded, yet now shall many cry out amidst the chaos and ruin that has come to this so-called great land. You have mocked My name, yet now the mockery I return upon you. For as surely as you built up for yourselves names and houses and lands, all fall down – never to rise again.
My people perish for a lack of knowledge, but many have chosen it to be so. Now the suffering of the willingly ignorant has come. The wrath of My fury unleashed. Now who will repent? Who will call upon My name and be saved?
Daughter, the courts of heaven have ruled in your favor; in favor of My faithful. Now the renderings of rewards I give to you this day. Yes, My children have suffered every day for they who called themselves brethren, but alas, were found as the children of disobedience. But no more, no more I say. Come, My faithful, ’tis the hour when you shall be made whole; healed every wit. Not the same, for it has already begun. Come and enter into the joy of your Lord.
Luke 12:32, Matthew 16:24-26, Isaiah 26:20, Revelation 3:10, 2 Timothy 4:7-8, Matthew 11:28, Isaiah 1:19, Revelation 21:4-5, Isaiah 13:13, Haggai 2:6, Psalm 2:5, 2 Peter 3:3-10, Luke 12:16-21, Hosea 4:6, Joel 2:32, Isaiah 43:18-19, Isaiah 62:11, Colossians 3:6, Matthew 25:21, Galatians 6:7, Proverbs 1:26-27
Posted by His princessbride at 10:31 AM