Now Is The Time To Get Very Close To Me
April 6, 2020 12:15 PM
Message given 3.30.20
Daughter I wish to tell My people to prepare their hearts especially, besides their physical abodes – for what is coming against this earth. No structure however strongly built will withstand the forces of nature that I will be unleashing in My fury against this earth. Many WILL lose their places of residence and suddenly find themselves with no place to live. They will become like the people who live in the streets without homes – namely the homeless and forsaken. The world which you know so well is disappearing before your senses. You are living in dire times, changing times. Your futures are uncertain – now one day you have a job – tomorrow with this epidemic you are not so sure. There is no guarantee of what tomorrow will bring as I have said in My word. You are not promised tomorrow – only today. In other words, you must live each day now as if it were the last for I AM returning soon without question. No matter how much in denial you find yourself, the truth will reveal itself with each passing day. Yes the days are hard now children but have I not warned that they would come? Many of Mine who have cried out to me have said they did not believe it would be this way even though I warned them.
Children, the sooner you realize the hour you are in the sooner we can be about My Father’s business. While many of you are in shock – many are also awakening from their sleep and are realizing the late hour. Now we can begin to do the will of He who rules the earth and all in it. You must arise now oh sleepy church for there is much work to be done. Soon the wheat will be separated from the tares. Soon your churches will be filled to overflowing for whence the judgment comes upon this earth so too will revival in the church. Many are already calling out to the Father and I because everything they have ever known has been taken from them. There is little freedom to be had as many are being locked and barricaded in their abodes only to come out for food and supplies. Life is dreary now with little to entertain you or that you can escape to. It is as if all doors to freedom have been shut down one by one.
I implore you My children to use this time wisely and prudently. I desire you to draw even closer as you will need to draw upon My power and strength when the days become too much for you. Many are crying even now at the onset of these last days. If they cannot handle what is going on in the world now, how will they be able to withstand those days when the evil one walks the earth, implementing his master plan and forcing My children and the lost to take his mark?
Children now is the time to get very close to me. I am the ONLY way though this period of trials and tribulation. I am the only way to salvation and to enter into My Father’s Kingdom. My children it is My desire that none should perish but is only the ones who heed me now and hear My voice who I will draw under the safety of My loving arms. Time will soon be up – for other judgments are looming on the horizon. You must look to Me My children and seek Me diligently in everything big and small. I will lead you, guide you, show you where you need to be. I will be your ark of safety and safe haven. Come to Me and you will find rest and peace amidst the ever increasing turmoil that surrounds you.
Come My children – for a little time more the tribulation will begin and then I will return soon for My beautiful bride in her garments of white. Keep your hearts pure above all else and love all those I send to you. Pray and worship the Father and ask of Me what you will. I am your Lord and Savior YESHUA and I will return for you one day soon in the clouds of glory with a mighty shout from above!
I love you My children! Wait for Me but a little while longer!
I go to prepare a place for My bride!
YESHUA the Christ
Jesus the Lord
Scripture Reference:
Isaiah 26:3-4. You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. 4 Trust in the Lord forever, for in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength.
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