Harvest, Word

Not all loved TRUTH! – Angela García


Not all loved TRUTH!

September 26, 2022 7:29 AM
Angela García

Tell them I Love them, my ways are not their ways but higher…

Rcv’d 9/25 pray for understanding and discernment

Daughter hear the words of the Lord. Holy is my name, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I sit to the right of my Father. I AM Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end of all things big and small. Tell them I LOVE THEM! I AM the only way. Will they call on me when trouble comes to their door?! I tell you now their is no other way. How can they not see the world crashing around them?!

Soon much changes in a flash in a twinkling of an eye but first the harvest. I want not one left behind but as I say not all believed the truth or as I say loved TRUTH! Instead they mocked and scoffed my words sent by my prophets.

1 Corinthians 15:52

Matthew 9:37

2 Thessalonians 2:10

2 Peter 3:3-4

I come quickly but first judgment comes to awaken my church. Awaken be a part of the harvesters as I say the harvest is plenty! Pray for harvesters many will awaken. My ways are not your ways but much higher. You cannot understand my ways, know that nothing is in vain. 1 Peter 4:17

Matthew 9:37-38

Isaiah 55:8

I love my children and I do as I please to bring in the harvest. Will it hurt and break the hearts? Yes, but look at the bigger picture it is for a greater purpose! Be of my father’s business in all things. I love all! I call my children to obedience. Come one come all!

Isaiah 55:9, Luke 2:49

1 Peter 1:14

Yeshua Messiah

The Great I AM

My love is grand, my ways are grand how great I AM

Exodus 3:14


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