By Donna McDonald:
This is your LORD speaking, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, Amen.
Dear Children, I Am the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, the MAKER of the heaven and earth. I come to you through the voice of MY servant, Donna. She is to deliver this message to you. She is meek and of ME and this is why I chose her to deliver this message. She pursues ME and MY FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT with all of her heart. Children, this is the LORD speaking. You must come to ME NOW. I am pleading with you in these last hours. These are the last hours before I make MY mark on this earth. I am going to let the floodgates open and let the enemy have his way with this earth soon. The earth will be given over to him and it is just a matter of a short time. There is not much time left and you must be on the alert. You are MY enemy if you do not listen to this message and fold into ME and MY plan for you. You must listen very closely for I am your GOD and I have your best interests in mind. I am not here to tickle your ears or to placate you or pat you on your back. There are many of MY children perishing every day while you are looking on your iPod, your computers, and your screens of all sorts. YOU are MY warriors, MY end time warriors and I Am CALLING YOU to battle. You must put down your weapons of the world that will go soft in battle and pick up MY Weapons. MY Weapons are ones that the world does not identify with.
These are MY Weapons:
- HUMILITY—you must be a humble warrior—put on the cloak of humility. I cannot have a warrior that is prideful and wants their own way. MY warriors must listen to MY Call and MY Orders to be right with ME and to lead the sheep into the correct pasture.
- LOVE — you must, must, must love your neighbor. This is literal. You must go out of your way to show love and kindness to those around you. This is a method that throws the enemy off of your path. He cannot track you and keep up with you when you show LOVE. It is with LOVE that I allowed MYSELF to be crucified and it is with LOVE that MY FATHER sent ME to earth to suffer for you once and for all.
- GENEROSITY—you must be generous with your time and resources. If someone admires something you have or something you use or own just give it to them. Tell them you will not need it anyway because your LORD will be coming back soon for the rapture and you are betting your money and your valuables on that.
- EARNESTNESS—be true and earnest to your word. If you say something let it be the Truth.
- FIDELITY—let your life speak for and of ME. If you are true to your word and you walk closely with ME and you walk for ME then you will show the world you are a person of your word and your word means you are of ME. People will listen when you walk with fidelity.
- COMMITMENT—be committed to your GOD. Everything you do must be a reflection of your relationship with ME. If you are of ME and in ME then what you do will reflect ME.
- SPIRIT—you must be filled with MY HOLY SPIRIT in order to have the dunamis you need, the power you need to complete the tasks I have given you, your assignment from ME in this fallen world. It is simple to be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. The enemy wants MY Filling to sound like an enigma and make it mysterious, but it is not, it is simple. Just pray earnestly that you would like to be filled with MY HOLY SPIRIT and I will come into you and fill you up. As you submit your will to ME, as I educate you on MY Ways, then you will stay filled. It is not enough to invite ME to fill you, you must continue to search ME out and submit to ME and I will continue to keep you filled. It is like a hot air balloon that needs the heat to stay full and light, and in the air, so the same with the HOLY SPIRIT. You need MY Heat, MY Fire, MY HOLY SPIRIT to stay full and fulfilled to do MY Work.
- Daily Walk—You must pursue ME daily, your GOD, to be in MY Will. You must stay in MY Will in order to do MY Work. Pursue ME by reading MY Word as early as possible in the day, read and then pray to ME. Call out to ME for your loved ones, and the ones you have shared and witnessed to and I will hear your prayers, your cries, and intervene for you to MY FATHER in heaven WHO waits to hear MY every breath and MY every Word to call out to HIM for MY children and intervene for you on behalf of your prayer requests.
England and Great Britain and the rest of the world. These words are for you.
These are MY Words. I want you to take them to heart. I have recited them to MY servant, Donna, for your benefit and edification. I intend for each of you to take these to heart. They line up with scripture so do not quibble over a phrase or preposition and say this does not sound like the GOD you know. Look at the body of a prophesy—is the message clear and succinct and does it line up with the scriptures that you know from MY Book and MY Words? I am your GOD, your Loving FATHER, your Hope in this dark, dark, world. The world is spiraling down and I Am giving MY Words and Ways out to MY prophets. You must listen and take heed lest you be left behind and everyone who is dear to you will suffer as well and be taken captive by MY enemy. THIS IS THE GREATEST BATTLE OF YOUR LIFE. THERE WILL BE NO BIGGER BATTLE THAN THE ONE FOR YOUR VERY SOUL. If you have served in the military in WW2 such as the Battle of the Bulge or the Battle in Afghanistan or in Iran or Iraq or Korea or Vietnam or any other war you will not know warfare like you will know when you are enlightened of the stealthiness of the enemy, satan. He knows no boundaries and no limits and he knows no international treaties or limits of war. He does not fight with a conscience or within international laws. He fights dirty. He fights with no remorse. He fights like he is there to win at all costs. He is a stealthy victor in many battles. There is ONE THING he needs to know, though. MY army, MY warriors are one step ahead of him. They have the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT and of love, and the Word, and of humility, and peace. MY Army fights with weapons that satan is not skilled at using and will behave as if he has never heard of them or seen them. MY enemy will be rendered useless when you fight, take up the battle with the Weapons I have identified in this Body of Work. You do not have to be young and physically strong to be MY Warriors. Some of MY generals, seven starred, are the most feeble little ladies you have ever seen. They are in nursing homes and rest homes and they spend their days offering up condolences for humanity and call out to ME, their GOD, for the salvation of those around them. You want to know who will be around ME in heaven? Well it won’t be the likes of the Internet or TV preachers who talk about money, money, money, or have their names plastered all over everything they publish. The people who will be around ME in heaven will be the little people that no one paid attention to and the people thought to be crazy because they pursued me like a comet on fire. They were all over ME on earth and pursued ME like I was the ONLY Answer in their life to their problems and their longings to be near ME in heaven. Do not persecute this daughter, this prophet of MINE. If you do not like this message then you get with ME and pray to ME for the answers to your questions. I Am a GOD that desires each of you, MY children, to hear MY Voice but first I want to hear yours. I want you to go hoarse in your spirit calling out to ME in prayer and supplication for yourself and those around you. You have plenty of time to pray—every stoplight, every train stop, every bus ride, every walk, every bike ride, every moment you push a stroller. When you stand at the kitchen sink, the bathroom sink, in the shower like MY son Buddy Baker whom I give great visions in the shower. I don’t care if you are unclothed, clothed, or smelly and dirty. I made you and I created you and I want you just as you are. This is one thing, my son Billy Graham got right is you are to come, “just as I am” to ME. One other thing you and he need to get right is that you must have a complete and total filling of MY HOLY SPIRIT in order to be right with ME. A half-filled oil lamp or half-portion of MY HOLY SPIRIT will not do. It will not make you lighter than air and it will not lift you to the heavenlies when I come for MY Rapture of MY bride, the church. MY bride is beautiful and she is white and radiant and perfect for Me because she has prepared herself and made herself beautiful to ME in all her ways. Let ME count them, the ways…
How does she love ME?
- She is a radiant bride—she has made herself holy and beautiful. She shuns all worldly things because she knows they are distasteful to her GROOM.
- She pursues ME with all of her heart and being. This is how she shows ME she loves ME. She is thinking of ME 24/7 as I Am her First LOVE and Only LOVE. O’ you may love your spouse, or fiance, or your children, or parents, or siblings, but you must love ME more and desire ME more. As you commit yourself to ME this longing for ME will grow stronger.
- She reads MY Love Letters to her. These letters are called the Old Testament and New Testament. You understand this, it is self-explanatory.
- She worships and praises MY Name. This does not have to be done by a tenor or soprano or public speaker. She can praise me with her simple small voice that is off key or hoarse or tired or not feeling well. She can praise ME with a few words or many words for I know her heart. When she is tired or ill I know a few words will suffice for I know her heart. A smile from the heart goes a long way with your GOD.
- She shows ME she loves ME by going out of her way for others. She can do this with a baby in arms or a toddler or sick parent or at work. She does not have to schedule it though she may put this activity of loving others on her calendar. I Am not all about works but I am about MY FATHER’s Business which is bringing others to ME and then to Him. Only those who come to ME will ever share the presence of MY FATHER, MY O’ so Holy FATHER in heaven. Going out of your way for others does not have to be long and tedious. O’, no. Just pick something up from the ground for them, pay a few extra cents in line that someone needs, turn around to someone standing beside you or sitting next to you. Speak loving or positive words to those. Then you may say that GOD loves you very much and I want you to know that we are in the end times and He is coming back soon for HIS church, HIS bride, and HE wants you to go with HIM and not be left behind. This is how you can assure yourself you will not be left behind. Give them the “Marriage Supper of the Lamb” link. You can print it on a business card and pass it out or you can verbally speak it to them to copy or write it on a scratch piece of note book paper. You can record it anywhere or any way you like. It is the most succinct body of Truth in how to be prepared for MY soon coming that is in print.
I have personally ordained this body of work by the power of MY HOLY SPIRIT to Susan Davis when she was on a forty-day fast. MY daughter, Donna, works with Susan. They are ministry partners under ME and the HOLY SPIRIT. One is the mouth, one is the set of hands, but they both make up a body that works for MY purposes in these end times. This daughter has faithfully recorded these Words for you, the listeners of Minister Curtis Roach’s radio hour in the UK but these Words are for all believers and all those who want to be rapture ready for your soon coming KING.
This is the LORD speaking, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Amen, Amen, Amen.
Let those wedding bells Ring, Ring, Ring. Amen. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered with a Holy Kiss from your CREATOR. Amen.
(Words from the LORD given to Donna McDonald 11/29/13).