
My Servant Jonathan – Cryptic1

My Servant Jonathan

October 16, 2020 7:50 PM

On 10.4.20 I got this word

An assembly of My saints is gathering. Arise, arise oh mighty saints of the Most High! Your hour has come. Wield your Sword of the Spirit. My Word spoken will crush the enemy, the serpent’s head.

On 10.15.20 I received this message.

Jonathan is My servant for such a time as this. He has weathered the many storms of life and My hand of protection is over him.

In these last days many will seek this site 444 Prophecy News to see what the next big catastrophe will be.

The world will be shaken soon but My children who follow this site will not be moved. They rest in Me and abide under the shelter of My safe wings.

It is time for the world to turn, turn, turn to Me and My word that will not return void. I have gathered My saints in this place for such a time as this. Do you think this is by chance or happenstance? No. This is of My doing. I place those whom I choose where I choose. This is an assembly of saints who have gathered together to honor My word spoken – to honor the dreams and visions which I have placed over them. Nothing is as it appears. I have placed the desire in his (Jonathan’s) heart to start a gathering place where My children would gather together. In fact all of you who post the dreams, visions and words I have given you are also part of My plan to save the world.

I desire a billion souls to come to Me children. You must be light to the world that is being overcome by the darkness of lies, deceit and deception. Guard your hearts uppermost. Stay in My Word. Abide in the secret place of the Almighty where I will shelter you.

Well done good and faithful servant. Your reward will be great. Come saints let us together gather with one mind and one heart. My Father’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Amen Amen

I have spoken

The Ruach HaKodesh

The Holy One

I Am that I Am

Yeshua He who Saves

Amen let it be so

Below is my email to Jonathan.


I don’t know how you feel about this message. Please pray on it. I have been seeing your name a lot for the past month. When I saw your recent post ‘Comments Removed’ 10.14.20 it kind of confirmed what I was seeing.

There’s no way the Holy Spirit’s messages given to me would ever get out and reach the kind of audiences it does. I tried once to do a site and found it difficult.

I’m grateful for this site. It has allowed me and other messengers to do what we’re supposed to do, which is to get God’s word out.

Thanks for all you do


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